Chapter 33 - Return of the Oracle.

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"You need to go." Jinx tried to smile as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Jinx hugged Neo's side. He turned over to face her and hugged her properly. "Don't you want me to stay?" Neo asked softly. "Of course i do, but i know that you want anwsers to certain questions that no one else can anwser. We can talk about everything else when we are both back on the Nebuchadnezzar." "Promise?" "I promise." Jinx smiled. "Now go. If anyone needs you i'll inform that you had to leave." Jinx informed. "Thank you." Neo thanked. Jinx released Neo and soon after Neo was flying threw the chilly dark night sky.

Jinx had sat back down on the concrete. "Why aren't you inside?" Roxy asked. She sat next to her best friend. Seyu and Nara repeated after her. "It's nothing. Neo had to go." "How long have you been alone?" Seyu asked tilting her head slightly. "I've been alone for couple of minutes." Jinx said. She wiped her nose with her arm. "Is everything ok? Did you cry? Did you get hurt?" Roxy asked concerned. "I swear if Neo did something i'll literally kill him.." Nara's voice was close to a growl. "I'll help you on that." Seyu said. "No, no, NO! No killing Neo. We just simply had a small.. fight."

Jinx received a row of gasps. "Come on, guys.. Everyone has fights you know.." "Still.. It's your 'happy' period of the relationship. No responsibilities. Just you two." Seyu said. "Uhh.. I wouldn't say that." Jinx said and chuckled awkwardly. "You two aren't happy?" Roxy asked. Nara mumbled something about taking out Neo if needed. "NO! Neo isn't going to get taken out or killed or anything. Neo is a sweet young man, who is just going threw a lot! He has the right to be stressed. And so do i. I am stressed because i am going to have a flippin' baby." Jinx slightly regretted telling so much.

Jinx received yet another row of gasps. "OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!" Roxy squealed excited. "Congrats, do you already know if its going to be a girl or a boy?" Nara asked a small smile on her face. "No idea." Jinx said. "IM GONNA BE AUNTIE ROXY!" Roxy had gotten up and she had started twirling around squealing. "Roxy you need to calm down." Seyu chuckled. "You're going to be an aunt too.. WE WILL ALL BE AUNTS!! Auntie Seyu.. Auntie Nara!" Roxy sat back between Nara and Seyu. All the girls giggled together.

Neo finally landed in front of the apartment building. He walked in the building and entered the same old elevator. He pushed a button and the elevator came to life. It started moving upwards. It stopped on one of the floors and Neo walked out. He walked in front of the oracles door. He knocked on the door before opening it. It was late so the oracle was seemingly alone. Neo made his way threw the living room to the kitchen. The oracle had once again started baking cookies. The cookies were baking in the oven and the oracle was smoking a cigarette. The cigarette rested between her fingers on her right hand. "Neo. I'm glad you could make it." The oracle looked up at him with a bright smile. "Would you like to sit down?" She asked. After a moment of thinking Neo decided to not sit down. Eventho he wanted to. "I think i'll pass." Neo smiled slightly. "What ever makes you comfortable, honey." The oracle smiled at Neo.

Neo decided to sit next to the table. "You knew already that i was going to sit." Neo said. "Wouldn't be much of an oracle if i didn't." The oracle said. The oracle's egg timer went off. "Oh the cookies must be ready." The oracle smiled. She put out the cigarette and dropped it into a small round light green ashtray. The oracle took a pair of oven mitts and took the tray of baked cookies out from the oven. She took some of the cookies in a small glass bowl. "Would you like one?" The oracle asked. "Yes, thank you." Neo took one of the cookies. The oracle sat back on the opposite side of the table. She gently set down the bowl of cookies on the table. "Congratulations on the big news." The oracle smiled. Neo froze for a moment. He didn't first understand what she was talking about.

Neo caught up with his thoughts. "Thank you." "Have you already thought of any names?" "I think that if it's a girl i would like to name her eather Sophie or Jessica. If its a boy then i would like to name him Noah or Ben, but i will of course want to hear Jinx's oppinion." Neo smiled taking a bite from his cookie. "Those are good baby names." The oracle smiled. "What is my purpose?" The question had been bugging Neo for a very long time. "Excuse me?" "What is the one's purpose?" Neo reformed his question. "The one is supposed to free the matrix. I thought you already knew that." "I know that but there must be some kind of a path way to that, but what am i meant to do to find it?" "No one knows. You will have to find out yourself." Neo nodded in understandment.

(Ok ya this chapter was kind of a boring chapter but it had some stuff in it. I hope you guys enjoyed it and remember to wash your hands and have a great day :D)

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