Chapter 30 - Is this the end?

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(Okay so this chapter will be LONG. I recommend getting comfy cause you will be here for a very long time..)

Jinx and Neo followed Morpheus down the hallway. They arrived at the main deck. Everyone had gathered around the operators table. Everyone's eyes were glued on the screen. "What is it?" Neo asked walking closer. He looked at the screen and all the color was sucked from his face. "What is it?" Jinx asked. "Just like.. i saw." Neo whispered. He was scared. Genuinely scared. Jinx took his hand and gave it a small squeeze. He looked in her eyes. Fear and worry sparkling in them.

 "You got this." Jinx tried to smile. "I must go in." "We will come with you." Morpheus informed. "I will fight the main Smith alone. And Jinx must stay behind." Jinx nodded. She had accepted this. "Don't you mean Smiths?" Nara asked with an 'obviously' tone. "No. If i'm right i will only be fighting one Smith." Neo explained. "Pfft.. Fricking 'one'." Nara mumbled to herself. "Ok, we all need to get some guns and prepare ourselves. Fifteen minutes." Morpheus said before leaving the main deck to get something. 

Neo sat next to the metallic table. Jinx sat next to him so that she could examine his face better. "You wont come in even if-" Neo didn't get to finish his sentence. "I won't. I wont. I already promised once." Jinx said. Her words made Neo chuckle. "I love you." Neo said before kissing Jinx's forehead. "I love you too." Jinx said. 

 Morpheus returned to the main deck. "Okay, to the loading program." He informed. Neo got up but Jinx grabbed his arm. Neo turned around to face her. "You're going to make it back. Promise me you'll make it back." Jinx pleaded tears tingling in the corners of her eyes. "I promise." Neo promised before pulling her into a hug. Jinx sniffled a little. And they were like that for a moment. But everything good has to end. And Neo was in a hurry.

Jinx, Dozer and Tank were left to take care of Neb. "There. They are finally all in the loading program." Jinx sat on a chair. She was useless and it felt terrible. She had finally slowly started learning how to read the code. It just made things worse, understanding what was going on. 

Neo took some guns. He knew he wouldn't use them but.. you never know when you might need a gun or two. Nara walked to his side to get a gun. "Good luck." "Excuse me?" Neo asked turning over. "I said good luck. I still dislike you. I just want you to get back safely. Jinx means lot to Roxanne." "So you two?" "It's a private thing, hazel eyes, none of your business." Nara said before walking to another rack of guns and other weapons. 

The crew appeared on the side of the driveway. The streets were filled with Smith clones. So were the apartment buildings. "I'll try to defeat Smith." Neo stated. "Do or do not there is no try." Morpheus said poetically.

  (I'm no longer in depth of a quote to you, @_knickknack_ Its a Yoda quote. It's not the greatest but its something. Also gotta love star wars..)

A Smith walked to the middle of the road from the crowd of Smiths. He started talking on his usual calm voice. "Mr. Anderson. Welcome back. We missed you." He paused. "You like what i've done with the place?" This was all Neo had seen and he didn't know what to say next, but the words just came out. "It ends tonight." "I know it does, i've seen it. Thats why the rest of me aren't going to join this fight." Smith glanced behind Neo. "I guess they can keep your little crew busy." Smith thought a small smile forming on his lips. It soon enough disappeared.

Neo's fists squeezed themselves to shut. So did Smith's. Then the two started running. Both ran forward. Water splashed around under their shoes. They finally both stopped and started exchanging punches. They both dodged each others hits pretty well.

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