Chapter 26 - Strange meeting

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Everything was black. All she could hear were voices. Whispers. She couldn't hear what they were saying or understand what was going on when her surrounding changed to a park. She saw the oracle, sitting on a white wooden bench. Jinx walked over to her and sat to her side on the bench. "Oh you're here. Right on time." The oracle said with a warm smile. Jinx was a little confused. "Don't worry. You didn't break any bones. And the headache is only temporary." Now that the oracle had mentioned Jinx's head did really hurt. "How are you here?" "Well like you know i only exist in the matrix and you are blugged in so you some how were temporarely transported here." "Is Neo hiding something from me?" Jinx asked worry covering her voice. "I sadly can't tell you that." Jinx gulped heavily taking that as a yes. "It isn't a yes or a no." The oracle said. "But Neo needs you. So you should go." The oracle said smiling and getting up. "Good luck, kiddo." She said giving her a small pat on the back as she walked away. 

Jinx heard a voice calling for her and her eyes flickered open. "Are you ok? I must have hit you too hard." Neo said sitting next to her. He wore a worried expression. "My head.." Jinx murmured. She had hit her head when she had landed against the wall. "It's ok we need to exit the matrix and you need some rest." He said. He took a phone from his side and then opened it. "Tank, can you get us out of here please?"

And soon enough Jinx opened her eyes. They were back on the Nebuchadnezzar. She held her head on her hands. "Are you ok?" Roxy asked crouching next to her. "I'm gonna be fine. The oracle said that i didn't break anything and that this headache will go away eventually." "How did you talk with the oracle?" Neo asked interested. "When i blacked out i woke up in a park and the oracle was there. She explaned that when we were blugged in, i was somehow momentarily transported there." Jinx explaned still holding her head. "Wow.." Roxy mumbled. "I think you should get some rest." Neo said. "I agree with Mr. Special." Nara said taking a quick look at him. "No.. no i think i'm gonna be ok." Jinx mumbled. "No isn't an anwser." Neo said taking her hand and pulling her up. Then he started leading her to their room.

"Even a blind person could see that those two are together." Nara said looking at Jinx and Neo disappear in the distance. "Wow.. Cool, beautiful and smart? Jeez. She is perfect. Too perfect." Roxy thought to herself. "Mhm." Mouse agreed. Nara walked off to her room. "We should all get  some rest. Tomorrow is going to be.. really, really interesting." Morpheus said. Everyone parted ways and walked to their rooms. 

Jinx leaned against Neo. "My head.." Jinx mumbled. "We are almost there." Neo said. They finally arrived in front of their door. Neo opened the door and they walked in. Neo helped Jinx settle on the bed. Neo was about to go, to change but Jinx clunged on his sleeve. "Please don't leave me." Jinx begged like a little kid. "If you wish so." He said with a small smile and he settled next to her. She almost immediatly leaned against him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you so hard."  Neo whispered guilt covering his voice. "It's ok. It was just bad luck that my head hit the wall."  Jinx said her eye lids becoming heavy. She let out a loud yawn. Neo started slowly stroking her hair. "I love you." Jinx said on a sleepy tone. "I love you too." Neo said kissing her forehead. She slowly fell asleep on Neo's arms. Neo though about what all his visions ment. What was he seeing? What did it all mean? He would find the anwsers another day, for now he should rest. Jinx and Neo both slept peacefully threw the night. 

Jinx woke up. It was already morning. She tried to remember what had happened yesterday, but then it all came back to her. That worried expression on Neo's face still creeped in her mind. But she decided to think of something else. Today she would have to be formal and kind. She would be meeting new people. Jinx decided to get dressed and head for breaky. She crawled down from the bed and went to her wardrobe. She chose a gray sweater, a pair of black boots and some tight black pants. She went to wash her face and brush her teeht before she started to make her way to the cafeteria.

Jinx arrived at the small cafeteria. "Hi Jinx. How is your head? Does it still hurt?" Nara asked looking up from her breakfast. "I was about to ask the same." Roxy said taking a quick look at Nara and then returning to look at Jinx. "I'm alright." "Do you still remember what happened yesterday?" Morpheus asked as he came from the control room. "Mhm." "Well we have a lot to prepare before Tulip's ball, so let's get to it." Morpheus informed.

(That is all for now folks! Here are some pictures for the next chapter.)

(Jinx's outfit)

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(Jinx's outfit)

(Roxy's outfit)

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(Roxy's outfit)

(Nara's outfit)

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(Nara's outfit)

(Switch's outfit)

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(Switch's outfit)

(All the guys wear suits.)

(Next chapter will include the ball. So until then everyone, have a good day! :D)

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