Chapter 49 - "Everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo."

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Neo and Jinx were flying the ship closer to the Machine city. They came upon the fields. "Good god.. We are indeed being grown.." The scene was horrible. "It is terrifying. But if we succeed that will no longer be the case." Neo smiled slightly. "There! Those are the power lines. We need to go there." Neo said pointing at the lines. He was scared inside. What if his plan didn't work out? If the human race was indeed doomed. He stared out threw the window. "We are not that far.."

The sentinels were every where. It was terrible. Seyu was shooting up at the Sentinels. "SEYU WATCH OUT!" One came from behind her and grabbed her. She squirmed and tried to get off of it's clutch. Alyssiana shot at it multiple times. It let go of Seyu who started falling fast, but Alyssiana caught her. "Gotcha." She said with a wide smile. Seyu kissed her. Finally. "Remember the Sentinels?" Loki called from the distance. "Ah, yes indeed." Alyssiana and Seyu continued shooting at the huge metally squid looking robots.

Nara was shooting at punch of sentinels. "Take that you rusty buckets.." Suddenly her gun ran out of ammo. Some sentinels flew at her. "Shoot.." She backed away and fell over. Suddenly A pew on her right got her attention. "Don't worry. I gotcha." The woman helped Nara up. "Who are you?" Nara asked. "The name's Vivienne and that's Xavier. My brother. Come on! Let's go kick some Sentinel butt." Vivienne smirked.

Apoc, Switch, Mouse, Morpheus and Roxy were at a certain area. When suddenly a Sentinel came out of nowhere. It rammed at Apoc full speed. It started clawing poor Apoc. The Sentinel was shot. Apoc laid lifeless on the ground. "Not like this.. Not like this.." Switch sniffed sitting down next to the dead man. "SWITCH LOOK OUT!" Trinity yelled running to her and moving her out of the way. The Sentinel grabbed her instead. "LET TRINITY GO YOU SOULLESS TIN CAN!" Switch shot at the Sentinel who soon dropped Trinity. "Trin.. Not you too.." Switch sniffed. "Don't let Zion down.." Trinity's eyes slowly drifted closed. Switch got up and shot up at the air at all the approaching Sentinels.

"We are almost there." The Machine city peaked at the distance. The defense systems went off and sent bombs at them. Neo focused on destroying them. "We need to dodge them. I can't take them all at once. It would be too dangerous." They somehow dodged all of the bombs and got in. They landed the Somnium on an abandoned spot. "What ever happens out there.. remember i love you." Neo smiled looking at Jinx. "I've come this far! I'm coming out with you." Neo sighed. "Fine, but be careful ok?" "I will. You need to be careful too, hotshot." The two walked out. "First we'll try to speak to the boss." Neo looked up and saw some robots up at the top and then he saw a sort of a metal balcony with no railing facing the robots. The two started walking.

Soon enough Neo and Jinx were up on the balcony. The robots formed into a face. It looked like a big baby's face. "What do you want to say?" The machine asked. "We want to end the war. Either you stop attacking Zion or we force you to it." Neo said looking up at the huge machine. "What could a small human like you do? Nothing." "The choice is yours." "The answer is no. Now leave." "Alright, come on Jinx." Neo took her hand. "What are you doing?" "We'll have to find the core." Neo whispered.

"There.." Jinx whispered. It was a huge glowing orb. All the power must've been transferred in it. Neo walked close. He took a strong looking pipe and swung at the core. It was surrounded by glass. He swung at it again. Almost there. Suddenly a sentinel flew in. The machines voice came from it. "What did i tell you?" It asked before it took Jinx. "LET ME DOWN!" Jinx commanded. "You take one more swing at it and i'll squish Jinx untill she dies." "DO IT! DESTROY THE CORE!" Jinx screamed. The Sentinel held her slightly tighter. "P..please just destroy it." Jinx cried. "Alright. I won't do it." Neo dropped the pipe on the floor. "Good now kick it over." Neo did as the Sentinel commanded. The sentinel dropped Jinx on the floor. She got up soon enough and looked at Neo with eyes full of fear. What happened next?

(For the mood..)

"Jinx run!" In confusion Jinx started running out. "I promised i won't swing at the core.. I'll destroy it in a different way." Neo loaded all his strength into a ball of light. "NO! IT.. IT WILL KILL YOU! DON'T DO IT! YOU'LL NEVER SEE YOUR LOVED ONCE AGAIN!"The Sentinel tried to beg for Neo to stop. Jinx turned to look and saw that Neo wasn't coming. "NEO!!" She called for him to come with her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "They will make it without me." Neo grinned at the sentinel. Soon there was a blinding light. It was pure and Jinx stumbled back, blinded by it. She started falling down. Luckily the core was close to the ground. With a thump she was laying on the ground. She tried to open her eyes but she couldn't see. Suddenly it was gone. She ran back up and saw Neo's still body. "Neo, no.." She ran to him. "I won't let you go, you hear me?" Neo coughed. "I won't make it.. I used everything i had." Jinx looked at Neo's hazely eyes. Jinx took his hand in her's. "Please don't leave me.. Sophie needs you, i need you!" Jinx sniffed. Neo smiled slightly looking at her. "You two will survive without me. I.. I love you." "I love you too!" Jinx kissed Neo. His hand went limb and he was gone.

Suddenly all the robots started falling down. "He did it." Morpheus looked at the falling robots. "He saved us. He saved us. It's over, he did it! He did it, he did it, it's over! It's over, he did it! He did it!" Kitty cheered. She was holding Sophie. She ran to hug her brother. "Zion! Zion! Zion, it's over! The war is over!" Mouse yelled. Everyone started cheering. The war was finally over. Loki was next to Timothee. "You wanna i don't know.. go for a dinner sometime?" Timothee asked. Suddenly Loki pulled Timothee into a passionate kiss. "I'll take that as a yes." Timothee chuckled.

Hours went by and the Somnium arrived back at Zion. Jinx came out alone. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying. "He.. he didn't make it.." Jinx was about to break into tears. Her voice was cracking. Roxy ran to her. She hugged her best friend. "It's going to be alright.."

Everyone got the burial they deserved.

*4 years later*

*4 years later*

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"Mommy?" "Yes sweety?" Jinx looked at her daughter. "Why isn't daddy with us?" Jinx picked up the small child. "Well.. Your daddy had a mission.. A very, very important mission. And he saved the world. But he sadly couldn't come back.." "Will i ever see him?" "Maybe someday.." Jinx smiled looking out threw the window. "Someday.."

(And there it is.. The story is officially over.. i want to thank all of you for this adventure! You all read this story to the end. Thank you to @daechwitarmy , @JennaDustV , @_soggycornflakes_ , @TheTrickOrTreater and everyone else! Until the next time you read one of my stories or we meet on someones comments have an amazing day.)

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