Chapter 12 - Forgotten friend

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She felt her heartbrake. She had fully forgotten Roxy. Her best friend. Her childhood friend. Roxy had been busy with work and they had not seen in weeks. Jinx was now worried. What had happened to her after she had left? Was she ok? Had Smith taken her? Killed her? "Who?"

Neo had snapped Jinx back to the reality. Jinx felt herself drown in worry and guilt. She had left her. "Where is Roxy?" She felt tears forming in her eyes. "I don't know who you are talking about." "I NEED TO KNOW!" She was being torn apart from inside by all the sudden feelings. She had pushed them away without even realising. All the memories. All she and Roxy had done together was there and she had not even remembered her.

Jinx was now sitting on the floor, staring at the floor, crying."I just want to know where she is and that she is safe.." Her voice was just slightly above a whisper. Tears were running down her cheeks. "I don't have the anwsers to any of your questions.. so we are going to need to ask Morpheus. He might now." His voice was calm and kind like usually. Jinx felt awfull. She got up wiping her tears. She walked to Neo. She then hugged him. He hugged back. She sniffled a little. They parted and Jinx said on a bit of a shaky voice. "Ok.. i'm ready to go."

Neo and Jinx arrived at Morpheus's door. Jinx knocked gently. Her eyes were still a little puffy and red from the crying but they weren't too bad. Morpheus opened the door and appeared in the door's frame. "Is everything alright?" Morpheus asked rubbing his eyes. He looked tired. "It is about Roxy." "Oh, your best friend, Roxanne Harris?" Jinx nodded. "I saw her last couple days before you got freed from the matrix." "I want to see her." Morpheus stayed silent for a moment and then said. "You can go see her tomorrow in the matrix. But Neo must come with you. Smith is still after you." Jinx nodded quickly. She would see Roxy once again. 

Jinx and Neo walked to their room. Jinx sat on the couch. Then she yawned. "I still wish that you'd take the bed." She looked at him. "Pretty please?" "Fine." She mumbled. "But you wont sleep on the couch. It is too hard." Jinx looked at him. "Where do i sleep then?" He asked fake frown forming on his face. She laughed a little and said. "You can take the other side of the bed." Jinx walked on the left side of the bed. She then sat down on the bed. Neo walked on the right side. He got under his blanket. And Jinx got under her blanket. The bed was much more comfortable than the couch. She closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

Roxy stood in an end of a hallway. Jinx was running to her. "Roxy? ROXY!?!" She was almost there. When she got to Roxy, she was gone. Jinx  looked around and saw no one. She was all alone. The hallway faded away, leaving Jinx alone in the darkness. She couldn't see anything. "You left me. You forgot me. You are a monster." It was Roxy's voice. Jinx felt her eyes fill with tears. "I..i am so sorry, Roxy.." "Sorry wont bring me back, wont it?" Roxy's voice was cold and it stabbed Jinx like a knife. Then she heard a gun go off. She looked back and saw that there was an alley behind her. Then she noticed that Roxy was laying on the ground. She had been shot. Smith was staring down at her. He had a blank look on his face. "NOO! ROXY!!" Jinx ran as fast as she could. Tears running down her cheeks. But as she ran, she kept getting further and further away from Roxy and Smith. 

Jinx woke up sweaty. She dropped her head on her pillow. She breathed slowly in and then out, returning her heartbeat to normal. It was all a nightmare. She then looked at Neo. He was still sleeping. He looked more calm when he slept. His hair was little bit messy, but in a cute way. She then decided to get up and eat some breaky. But before that she would get dressed. She got on her white sweater, black pants and shoes. She then looked around to see what she would eat. She noticed some bread. She had eaten nothing but snot for the past few months so she really liked the sound of bread. 

Jinx took the bread. Then she cut a small slice of the bread for herself. She looked at it excited. She took the first bite. It tasted great. "Missed the taste of bread?" Neo had woken up. Jinx nodded as she took another bite from the slice. "Bread is rare. There isn't lot of it here." He said as he walked to the bathroom. Jinx finished the slice. "I am ready to head to the matrix." She informed as she wiped the breadcrumbs off from her sweater.

It was time. Neo and Jinx had spoken with Morpheus and Tank had promised to take care of everything on the ship. He plugged them both in and sat on his seat. Jinx opened her eyes and found herself back in her black shirt, blueish jeans and black shoes. She was unarmed. Neo had guns and he had informed that he would lend her one if there was a need to use them. 

They walked to the black car once again. They started driving. They had a GPS and Jinx had quickly put in the address of Roxy's house. She looked out of the window on her right. Smiling at the view. She saw a oak tree in the distance up on a hill. She remembered how she and Roxy had played around it as kids. She then turned to face the road. "I have so many memories from here. I had forgotten so many. I forgot Roxy.." "So.. Roxy is your best friend?" Jinx nodded as she sighed. The memories were all there. 

There was a moment of silence. Where the only sound was the song that came from the radio. "We are here." Neo informed breaking the silence. They had arrived in front of Roxy's house. The house was a green log house. It had two floors that were both kinda small, but it was cozy and Roxy had told Jinx that she liked it. They walked in front of her door. The door was a brown wooden door. Jinx breathed in and then out. Neo looked at her. "Ready?" "Ready." 

(Hiya. Hopefully you guys enjoyed! Ill update again as soon as possible. But before then comment. I'd love to hear your guys' oppinions.)

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