Chapter 8 - Attack of the Smiths

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"Mr. Anderson." Smith said grinning at Neo. "How is this possible?" Bonnie gasped. She tried her best to hide her shock. "Oh Mr. Anderson you have brought Mrs. Allen with you. How delightful." "You know Smith... There is nothing about you that doesn't make my skin crawl." Bonnie said staring at him. Smith stayed quiet but his evil smirk didn't disappear. "How could he be back?!?" She thought while trying to keep herself calm.

"What do you want Smith?" Neo asked. His voice was intimidating, but calm. "Well before i was freed i was in need of Mrs. Allen for her work, but now i sadly have to eliminate her. You see, her work was linked to a virus killing program. She is the missing link to finish the program. When ready it could be used to the matrix. The program was going to be simple, but effective. It would kill all the viruses. Even the advanced ones. The viruses wouldn't even need to return to the source. And i can't let that happen, so now if you'd hand Mrs. Allen over, i will let you go for now." Neo moved slightly in front of Bonnie. "Aww he is protecting me. He is so cute. Ok i need to stop.." Bonnie thought focusing back at Smith. Smith grinned evilly once again. Neo kept quiet.

"How did you think you could beat us?" Bonnie asked and then regretted asking. She had tried to sound as confident as she could, in hopes that the fear wouldn't have shined threw. Neo looked over at her with a 'you shouldn't have said that' look. "Good you asked Mrs. Allen. I happen to have an ace up my sleeve." Smith said. He looked behind Bonnie and Neo. Then the same voice came from behind them. It continued Smith's sentence. "There isn't just one me." It was another Smith.

Another Smith came in to the room. He continued the last Smith's sentence. "There are many of me's." Yet another one came and then said. "And more are on their way here." Bonnie couldn't hide it anymore. She was horrified. And the original Smith saw it. Neo's facial expression didn't change. He tried to kept his expression calm, tho Bonnie knew he must have been at least little scared or confused by all this. 

The Smiths attacked Neo. He started fighting them, but then more started to come in. Neo had to start to fight the one's flooding in threw the elevator and stairs. Neo was fighting about fifteen Smiths now and Bonnie had the original three fighting with her. She got some hits on them, but multiple of their hits landed on her. 

One of the Smiths punched her and it landed straight on her nose. It started bleeding. She tried not to focus on the nose that was hurting so much that she wanted to just curl up into a ball and cry. She tried to kick them and hit them. Neo wasn't doing too bad, but more were finding their way in. Suddenly the three Smiths got Bonnie against the wall. And one of them pushed his hand into her chest. "NE!..-" Bonnie's sentence was cut short by the cold and uneasy feeling. Some kind of black liquid started taking her over. She felt painful without being hit. It was nothing like anything she had experienced. Luckily Neo heard and quickly turned to look at her. "BONNIE!!" He yelled out as, he started to fight off the Smiths that were trying to block him from getting to her. Bonnie felt like she was dying. Anxiety had taken over. Slowly she felt her senses going numb. 

"Don't worry Mrs. Allen. It will soon be over." The Smith in front of her stated, stated staring into her eyes with a grin. The hollow sensation didn't stop and it got worse and worse. She had fully given up resisting. Then Neo got to her and started hitting the three Smiths that she had fought before. He separated Smith from Bonnie. Bonnie was about to collapse on the floor still numb and almost fully frozen in place. Neo took her by the waist and busted threw one of the windows with her by his side. He started flying off. He didn't know where, but with what had almost happened to her they had to quickly get away.

He got to a lonely roof top and laid Bonnie down. Bonnie couched. Her expression had gone cold and her eyes seemed sort of lifeless in a way as she had been fully drained.. Neo got his phone from his pocket. After dialing in a number, he started to speak into it. "Hello? Can you guys get us out?" "WHAT WERE THOSE THINGS?? They weren't agents." "It was Smith." "What!?! But you said you killed him! And there were like twenty people!" "Well he returned somehow, with a power to multiply." Bonnie's nose was still bleeding and it had started to cover her clothes. Neo heard a phone ring somewhere close. 

Neo started to wake up Bonnie from her weird state. "You can rest when we are back on Neb, but i need you awake for now." Bonnie blinked her eyes multiple times and then she nodded. She couldn't get rid of the feeling but she had to try and stay awake. They flew to a phone booth. It was on an end of a street. As Bonnie got in she took the phone and answered. Soon disappearing from the matrix. The phone rang once again and Neo answered, getting out of the matrix as well.

Bonnie was lying on her bed looking up at the ceiling. Her nose had stopped bleeding. She was thinking about everything that had happened. That hollow feeling wasn't as bad as before but it wasn't gone. She heard a knock. "Come on in." Neo came in and said. "I know you are really tired, but i wanted to talk with you. About all that happened before." Bonnie nodded. "What did it feel like?" "Hmm?" "When Smith pushed his hand into your chest. And that liquid started to cover you. Did it hurt?" Bonnie kept looking at the ceiling. "It felt like i was loosing myself. Everything about me was dying and i was about to become another cog of a large machine of destruction." Neo looked at her. "I was worried about you." Neo confessed. Bonnie turned to look at him with a small smile. She sat up and hugged him and he hugged back.

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