chapter four: we meet again

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I made my way through the forest until I came across a bar I could have almost sworn wasn't there a couple day's ago when I went around this way.

'Maybe this is the traveling bar the men spoke of' you were lazy, so you had some trouble getting up the hill. So you just decided to float up there.

You held your hood close to your face once You saw the flyers on bar walls. It was you and the other 7 sins. They got your hair completely wrong, but that's besides the point. You was greeted by a girl with silver hair and a.... Questioning outfit on. "Welcome to the boar hat Tavern! You can take a seat right over there!" She said with a big smile on her face.

You glady accepted and held the hood closer to your face. You really couldnt risk getting caught. You sat down at the table she pointed to. You looked through the menu and eventually found something that looked yummy.

Then the silver haired girl came up to you. "Hello ma'am! Have you figured out what you want to eat yet?" She asked with a grin. "Yes, can I have the meat pie?" You asked her making your own voice deep, but not to deep to the point it sounds fake. "A-Are you sure..?" She asked you and sweat dropped, like she was telling you that you had made a bad decision.

"Yes please." You said a little more blunt and deeper. "Alright then right up!" She said and went to a kitchen area behind the bar. You didn't care to see anything behind the counter, You just wanted my food. It was obvious the captain wasn't here. When the girl came back with my food You thanked her and ate it. You took a spoonfull and then ate the rest.

The girl looked at you with shocked eyes and then went up to a short blonde kid, he looked like he was 13. She whispered something in his ear and then he walked up to you. You had pulled the hood closer to your face. "Hey do--" but before he could get the words out of his mouth your hood sliped, revealing your face and also having see again since the hood was blocking my eyesight. And thats where I saw him.
"Hey captain."

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