chapter 23: A loyal Familiar

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Wow Laylanii~chan, two chapters in two days in a row? I know right, shocker. Any ways, this is makeup for no wednesday chapter.
Here's a lil fluff for our girl Koiko.

(Y/n) was in her pocket dimension with Koiko. Out of all of her familiars, (she has four) her and Koiko hang out the most. Koiko had her legs criss-cross apple sauce. (in like third grade this shit HURTED! And then the teacher got mad when I uncrossed my legs. Sorry mrs.Boogersnot, this shit hurts like a MF 😤) (y/n) was braiding the fox like girls long pastel blonde hair. "Ya'know Koiko, you have pretty hair." (Y/n) said with a smile.

"Thanks Idiot." Koiko said with a yawn. She was about to go to sleep before (y/n) kissed her cheek. The (h/c) haired girl had always made it her mission to kiss the familiars cheek before she went to bed. Hence, Koiko was always sleeping.
So this happened pretty often. "Night Ugly shit." Koiko said and held (y/n)'s hand. It always helped her go to bed. "Good night Koiko." (Y/n) said and put her hair down. Not before putting a teddy bear clip on Her hair.

(Y/n) whispered the following words allowing her familiar to return back to the upside down; "I, (y/n) (l/n), command the White fox familiar Koiko Frisk, back to the upside down." And with that Koiko was back somewhere safe in the upside down.

(Y/n) exited her pocket dimension and looked for Ban. When she found him, she went straight for his hair. "What cha doing there pipsqueak?" Ban asked taking a swing of ale. (Y/n) was already floating upside down planting her signature braids in Ban's hair. "Im braiding your hair." (Y/n) said with her usual toothy grin. "Just put it back when you're done." Ban said taking another swig of ale.

Meliodas and King sat in the back pouting. They both watched as (y/n) and Ban conversed while said girl was braiding his hair. 'I wish she braided my hair.' The boys thought simultaneously. (Y/n) was done she went for King's hair to braid next. At the end of the day, they would leave this tavern with crooked braids in their hair. King blushed madly and could only sit there as (y/n) floated upside down doing his hair. Every time she was done she would put a teddy bear clip on one of his braids.

When she was done with the two boys hair she smiled to himself. "Hey, what about me?" Meliodas asked and went up to (y/n). "Perverts don't get braids." (Y/n) said and flew back into her pocket dimension.

Everybody laughed their ass off while Meliodas stood their stunned.
THey give off the same energy. But at least Meliodas Has dignity.

 But at least Meliodas Has dignity

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HHe disgusts me-

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