chapter 12: friendships and memories

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Yet another flashback chapter. I just realized I need to reach the show to make this story more detailed and I haven't watched the show in a couple months (3 to be exact) so heres something for now ✌😎

"Hey Jake (Kayo ah the girl version of Jake for you Lgbtq+), come look!" (Y/n) called out to Jake (Kaylah) as (s)he flew to her with his (her) angel like wings. "What is it (y/n) are you hurt?" Jake (Kayla) asked as his (her) black locks flew through the air flowing the movements (s)he made. "Look Jackey (Kayli), its a bird!" (Y/n) said as she had happiness and excitement all around her face. Holding the bird up to him (her.)
"You are so childish (n/n)." Jake (Kaylah) said as (s)he lowered (herself)himself down to (y/n)'s height. The girl has always been short. "What should we name him?" (Y/n) asked with a Sparkle in her eyes. "How should I know?" Jake (Kaylah) said with his (her) hand on his (her) head and a blank expression. The two were complete opposites really. Jake (kaylah), a boy (girl) who barely showed emotion who was always focused. And (y/n), a girl who was always bubbly and was never focused she would always get distracted by the littlest things.

"How about..." (Y/n) said floating upside down. Which happens every time shes focused or curious about something. "I got it!" (Y/n) said floating up straight. "How about Charles?" She said with a smile. Jake (Kaylah) kept his (her) same stoic expression. "Why Charles?" (S)He asked pulling (y/n) into his (her) lap.

(Y/n) blushed a bit, but since (s)he always does this, she was partly unfased. "Because he looks like a Charles." She said and pat the birds head. "You're so simple minded." Jake (Kaylah) said bluntly. (S)He fidgeted with the wooden ring placed on his (her) finger as (s)he said so. "Hmph." (Y/n) said and pouted. "That was rude." She said and got up to leave his (her) lap. Jake (Kaylah) stuck his (her) hand out to try to reach her in the flower field they were sitting In turned into a burning feild. "JACOB, ELAINE?!" (Y/n) said as the red demon sliced them. Ban was right beside (y/n) watching in horror as his friends were slaughtered in front of him.

(Y/n) was never one to cry, it showed weakness, and she was by no means weak. But this was an expetion. She saw the love of her life and her best friends life be took right before her glossy (e/c) eyes. And what's worse Is it was her fault. She was the one the demon was after. But then something took over her.

Her eyes went a dark purple and a dark crest appeared on her Forehead. And in a matter of seconds the demon was slaughtered. She went back to normal and noticed the blood on the floor and her friends slaughtered. (with the expetion of Ban ofc) She puked up her breakfast at the sight of so much blood. She never like the sight of blood. Not at all.
"(Y/n), for your own vengeance against Kayla (Jake), you killed the guardian of the forest and destroyed the fairy kings forest. And you Ban, killed the guardian of the fountain of youth and destroyed the fairy kings forest to satisfy your greed for the fountain of youth." The holy knight said to the two tied to a sake. (Y/n) held her head low as her (h/c) (h/l) covered her (e/c) dull eyes. She wanted to say something along the lines of "I did not such thing" Or "objection" but she was to busy trying not to cry. She was shaking violently, but she refused to cry.

Ban noticed this and mouthed a 'its okay' but (y/n) knew it wasnt. It was the four of them against the world for as long as she could remember after the demon clan, it was her Ban Eliane amd Jake (Kaylah). but know it was just Ban and (y/n). And Ban knew she was frightened. He hated to see her that way. So as his know only friend,

He promised to protect you, no matter the cost.

From anything.

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