Chapter 7: sin of the forest

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"So Elizabeth here is looking for all the sins so she can save her kingdom?" I asked Meliodas taking a sip of ale. I was sitting at the bar while Meliodas washed cups, back facing towards me.

"Yep! And since we got you, its only 5 more." Meliodas said. "Who said I wanted to join?" I asked him. "Well--" Meliodas said as if he was going to give a Lecture. "I was just joking." I said and took another sip of ale.

"I've actually been looking around for them myself." I said and chugged the rest of the ale. "I actually have been looking for them myself, I had a sight." I said and put my cup on the bar. "So were looking for Diane next?" I asked and hop off the stool.

"Yeah, we heard that she's in the forest of white dreams." Meliodas said as he dried his last cup. 'So that place is the ones with the hide n seek?' Maybe i could learn a couple new moves. I flew up the stairs and went to sleep.

"Follow them, they could be heading for somethinbeing direction!" Meliodas said and ran in the direction that they were going. I flew ahead of all of them on my (f/c) death scythe and rode on it like a surf board. (Ew)

"Lady Diane, lady Diane, we let some holy knights into the forest!" One of the hide n seek said. Her purple eyes shot open. She snatched me up. Meliodas and Elizabeth asked well the pig was right behind me. 'Serves me right for going ahead.' I sighed. "Y-you put Lady (y/n) down right now!" Elizabeth yelled. "Lady (y/n)....?" Diane said and looked at me closely.

"Hey Diane!" I said with a toothy grin. "(Y/n)!!! Its been so long and youre still so adorable!Its been forever since over last saw you!" She kept rambling about how I havent changed throughout the 10 years we've been separated, but I was more focused on whether she noticed the captain or not.

"And Captain!" Diane said. She placed me down gently showing she still cared about my existence. "Yo Diane. Whats it been, 10 years?" Meliodas said. "Oh captain captain captain captain!" Diane kept repeating over and over again rubbing her close to her cheek. She looked down and noticed the pig.

"Aww you remebered how much i loved whole roasted pig!" Diane squealed. "HANDS OFF LADY!" Hawk squealed. I dont know how it happened, but Hawk was put on a fire while he was being rotisseried. She then looked beside me and noticed Elizabeths existence. As well as her attire.

"My apologies lady Diane. I'm Elizabeth, the 3rd princess of Liones and sir Meliodas has allowed me to travel with him." Elizabeth said with an innocent smile. "So its just you and the captain?" Diane asked her with a seemingly innocent smile. "Plus (y/n) and a pig." Meliodas added into the conversation. "Ooh" Diane said. I knew what was going to happen being this is not the first time she has done this.

"You filthy womanizer!" Diane yelled and smashed him into the ground. She went on a rant and kept smashing him into the ground and calling him horrible names. I comforted her and kissed her cheek. I also patted her head.

"(Y/n) the only one that cares about me!"

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