Ch. 3- What do we do now?

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Alex knew it was wrong but she couldn't stop staring at the sexy teacher in front of her. She had tried, unsuccessfully, to tear her eyes off Miss Hughes but it was impossible: the brunette drove her crazy. In her navy blue skirt suit, Kate Hughes looked incredible. It nipped in at the waist and accentuated her curves and bust, and for that, Alex was very thankful. Every time the young teacher would turn to write on the board, Alex found herself staring at Kate's ass, and had to, on more than one occasion, force herself to look elsewhere to avoid being caught. Alex knew that Kate was off limits now, she was a teacher for God's sake, but still, there was something about the instant connection she felt she had with Kate, that made her hope otherwise.
The lesson dragged on as Alex tried to thing of ways she could make the relationship work, and what she was actually going to say to Kate when she confronted her. At last, the bell rang, and students started hurrying out of the room.
"Miss Wake, can I speak to you for a moment please?" Kate said to Alex, maintaining her professional manner.
As the last few students left the classroom, Kate walked over to the door and locked it. She didn't want to be disturbed.
"What the hell, Alex?"
"What do you mean?"
"I didn't know you were this young, or I never would have..." Kate paused, "how old are you anyway?"
"I'm 17," replied Alex.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I thought that the age gap would be a problem."
"Damn right it's a problem! I kissed, no, not just kissed, but had THE best kiss of my life with a student! A student!"
"I'm sorry," Alex tried to sound apologetic, but inside she was beaming with pride at what Kate had just revealed.
"It's not just your fault. It's mine too. But you have to know this can't go on."
"I get that."
There was an awkward silence for a few moments until Alex asked, "just tell me one thing. If you weren't my teacher, would you still have been interested in me?"
The bell rang, cutting off Kate. She unlocked the door, and, not making eye contact with Alex, left the classroom in a hurry. Alex stood there dumbfounded. She was so close to having her heart's desire, yet so far. She knew one thing for certain though, she had to try and win Miss Hughes back.
Alex put her slow and steady plan into action the next day. She greeted Kate at the start of the lesson, complemented her outfit, then sat down in her seat. She handed in her homework early and contributed in class. She wasn't going to suck up to Miss Hughes but she had to get herself on good times with her to start with. This routine continued for a week, until Kate called Alex back after class.
"Yes, Miss?"
"Alex. Truth be told you're the first and the last person I want to ask to do this. The first, because, quite honestly, you're a brilliant English student. But last because of our," she coughed, "history. Any chance you could help me with a younger class in the school? It would only be once a week, and it's only if you're free."
"I'd love to, when is it?" Alex replied, trying not to sound to enthusiastic.
"Thursdays, last two periods."
"I'm free then, do you want me to start tomorrow?"
"Sure Alex, that would be great!"
"No problem Miss, see you tomorrow," Alex winked over her shoulder at Miss Hughes and left the room. Bingo! Two extra periods a week to work on getting Kate to accept their relationship. She could totally do this. Alex had a grin on her face for the whole bus journey home.
Alex had waited all day for the next to periods and they were finally here! She knocked on Kate's classroom door and walked in.
"Hi Alex, the class aren't here yet but I'm sure they'll filter in at some point!" Oh wow, Kate was looking absolutely gorgeous today.
"Pull up a chair next to me and I will explain what you're going to be doing."
As Alex dragged a chair over to the teacher's desk, Kate got a good chance to stare at her. Alex really was quite beautiful. She had had to be very careful in class yesterday to not blatantly stare at her student, but somehow she had managed it. Now, up close again, Kate realised why she was attracted to the blonde girl in the first place.
"Miss Hughes?" Oh gosh, Alex had caught her staring. Kate blushed and tried to recover.
"Yes. So, I need you to help mark some homeworks and go around the class and assist if needed. You can work at my desk next to me if you want."
"Cool, that's great," Alex replied as the first few students came into the room.
The more Alex watched Kate teach, the more she realised how talented the beautiful brunette was. She had charisma, charm and was massively helpful and understanding with her students. Halfway through the lesson, Kate set the class a task and sat down at the desk, next to Alex. Not wanting to disturb the silence, Alex scribbled on a scrap of paper. 'What does pulchritudinous mean?' Alex passed the note to Kate, who, amused, read it and scribbled a response. 'Beautiful, why?' The pattern repeated of Kate passing the note and Alex reading it and writing a reply.
'I saw it in a book the other day and I didn't know. So, eg, I could say that you are pulchritudinous?'
Kate read the note and bit her lip.
'I suppose so. If that's what you think ;)'
Oh my gosh. Is she flirting? Wow. Ok keep cool. Be cool. Think of a good response.
'I definitely think so. Am I pulchritudinous?'
Kate paused for a moment before grinning and writing her reply.
'Yes, you are. Very pulchritudinous indeed'
All too soon, the bell snapped the pair out of their private conversation, and they both stood up ready to leave.
"Do you really think I'm pretty?" asked Alex, after all of the kids had left.
"Yes. I really do."
By now the pair were close to the door of the classroom and Alex had turned to face Kate. The teacher stepped towards the door, and towards Alex, but the girl didn't move. They were now close to each other and Alex could hear Kate breathing. Unexpectedly, Kate closed the gap between them, and took Alex's lips in her own. The kiss was passionate and hungry and Alex soon responded, her own tongue battling with Kate's. Kate's hands dropped to Alex's waist and pushed her firmly, so her back was pressed against the wall. The pair grew hungrier and Alex nibbled on Kate's lower lip and ran a hand through her silky brown hair. Kate moaned into Alex's mouth, her body responding auntomatically. Alex's hands slid to cup Kate's bottom through her suit trousers, and drew her closer. As this happened, Kate's leg was forced in between Alex's, so her mound was now pressing on Kate's thigh. Every movement Kate made, caused Alex's body to involuntarily shiver with pleasure. Both girls were now softly moaning into each other's mouths and Kate cupped Alex's breasts through her top, causing the student to press her mound hard into the teachers leg, and both groaned loudly with pleasure. Suddenly Kate sprang away from Alex as she heard footsteps further down the corridor. Both hurriedly fixed their appearance, but the footsteps died away. Alex looked cautiously at Kate and asked, "what do we do now?"

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