Ch. 15- Fade away

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Alex came back to school the next year at a new low point in her life. She wasn't over Kate, she never would be, but was just after company. That's what dragged her down. Night after night of trying to find a replacement soulmate to tease and pleasure her had worn Alex out, and now she knew she could never replace what she had with Kate. It was that thought that played on her mind every time she saw Kate in the corridor or in class. The old feeling of resentment and longing was replaced with sadness and frustration.
Kate couldn't move on either. After her unsatisfying encounter with a colleague, she steered clear of any further sexual relations. The rumours and gossip flying around the staff room was distracting her from day to day life. Mary had spread myths about what she had done with Kate, and some teachers were starting to take a dislike to Kate just based on childish heresay. She was fed up, and really needed a break. The only thin that perked up her her day was seeing the pretty eighteen year old blonde in her English class almost every day. Although Kate knew they could never happen, it didn't hurt to dream about these things did it?
Alex was having a good day for her. She didn't have to wait long for the bus to come, and the sun was shining. As she played her playlist on her iPod, she knew today was the start of a new beginning, and the catchy beat echoing in her ears forced a smile onto her face. She grinned and mouthed hellos to other passengers as they entered the bus and as she stepped off onto the Tarmac, Alex was in the best mood she had been in for a long while.
Walking along the path, Alex ramped up the music in her ears, and the background noise seemed to fade away. Yes, today was a very good day.
Kate made her way to the staffroom and poured herself her regular morning coffee from the pot on the side. She just say down in the corner alone, away from all the other teachers when she heard a commotion in the corridor. More teachers rushed into the room, all blabbering on about an accident. Kate didn't want to appear nosy so sipped her coffee and strained to hear fragments of the multiple conversations.
"-car at forty miles per-"
"-kids these days, it's a wonder-"
"-said that there were several breakages-"
"-is dealing with it, poor soul was in an awful state-"
"-out for counselling, some of the other students saw-"
Then two words that Kate heard, shuddered through her and she was rooted to the spot for a split second.
"-Alex Wake-"
"What about Alex?" Kate demanded so loudly that the entire room went silent. She rose from her secluded seat and stormed into the middle of the room.
"Can somebody please tell me what's happened?"
"Well," coughed a balding support teacher, "not too long ago, the head was called out to the front of the school by a student. He was saying a girl had been hit by a car. So the head runs out and finds her in the middle of the road, right mess she was, all blood and bruises. Name is Alex Wake."
Kate only heard the first sentence and the rest blurred in her head. She ran out to the front of the school, frantically pawing her face in an attempt to rid the tears from her eyes. Alex. No, not her Alex. She can't be.
When she arrived there were two ambulances and a police car. A crowd of students, teachers and parents had gathered and Kate forced her way through. Then she saw Alex. She was lying on a bed, being pushed into the back of an ambulance with urgency. Her beautiful face was mashed up, her blonde hair matted with blood. The once full kissable lips were purple with bruising and swelling. And her body. Her sexy, perfect body was a wreck. Kate couldn't see the full extent of the damage, because Alex was covered, but she knew it was bad by the sheer volume of blood.
"Will she survive?" She shouted aggressively at a passing paramedic.
"Hard to say right now. Up to her really, if she wants to fight she'll make it, but she needs that will to survive. Someone who's that careless crossing the road, I'm not sure how much will to live they have." The medic walked away, out of Kate's sight.
"Kate, they need someone to accompany Alex to hospital. You were close right?" It was the headmaster, Barry.
"Yeah, sure. I'll go." With that, Kate ran into the ambulance and sat down next to her beaten up ex lover. Kate reached out and took Alex's hand in her own. This time she was never letting go.

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