Ch 25- The rest of our lives

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Walking out of the store cupboard together, hand in hand, Kate and Alex no longer felt afraid. They didn't have to worry about Kate losing her job or what would people would say if they found out. Of course, people would talk, but there was nothing wrong with their relationship, and now that Alex was officially out of school, that made all the difference.
Walking back into the crowded hall, they unlinked their hands: they didn't want people talking just yet. Soon they found John and Michelle.
"Hey, we've been looking everywhere for you!" Beamed John as he drew Alex into a hug.
"Yeah. We were busy," replied Alex, not making eye contact and slightly embarrassed.
"So. I know it's soon. But what's next?"
"Well we should grab some lunch?"
"No, I mean life wise. What's next for you?"
"I don't know. Take a year out. Maybe travel. I don't know."
"I'd love to see the world," interjected Kate.
"Me too," smiled Alex making eye contact with her girlfriend.
"Do you reckon we could..?"
"I don't know. Can you get time off?"
"I'll ask! We should totally do this!"
They hugged enthusiastically, then remembered where they were and quickly parted, hoping no one noticed.
"Let's get lunch. I'm starved," announced Michelle.
The family had a nice lunch at a small café, and they laughed and joked throughout. Michelle's thoughts wandered back to when she had first met Kate and found out that she was involved with her daughter. Needless to say, their relationship had evolved since then. She enjoyed having Kate around, as she made Alex so happy. The way her eye's lit up when Kate was around, made Michelle so pleased that her daughter had found someone who made her happy.
After dinner they went back to Alex's house, and after a while Kate found Alex sitting on the patio, staring up at the sky.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing much."
"I love you Alex. You're the best thing to happen to me."
"I know. You're the best thing to ever happen to me too."
"What do you think the future holds for us? I mean, where will we end up? How many kids are we going to have? What kind of house are we going to buy?"
"I don't know. But we've got the rest of our lives together to find out."

Hi everyone! This is the last chapter of the book, and I'm sorry it's so short, I just wanted to wrap it up on a good end note. Any feedback please message me! I'm going to start a new book today too, and try and work on the plot and development a bit more. Thank you so much for reading! It means the world!

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