Ch. 22- Girlfriend

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It was only a few months until graduation. Only a few months that they would have to keep their relationship a secret and Kate and Alex were both counting down until that day. Before then though, Alex had exams and she was desperately trying to keep up with her studying, even though she wanted to spend all of her spare time with Kate. Luckily though, Kate knew exactly what she was going through and encouraged Alex to study, even though all she really wanted was the blonde bombshell between her legs.
At that moment, Alex was making notes on chemistry or something and Kate was content with just watching her lover work away. She was so beautiful.
"Stop it," said Alex, not even looking away from her books.
"Stop staring. It's off putting."
"Alex," Kate questioned, "what's up?"
Alex had been in a strange moo for a couple of days now. Kate thought it was all the revision at first but now she realised that her student was getting more and more hostile withe her, and she didn't like it. Kate was worried.
"Nothing's wrong."
"Babe. I know something's up. Just tell me."
"I. I don't know how."
"Just be honest."
"Ok. But don't take this the wrong way?"
"Of course not. I love you, Alex."
"Well, Kate, it's just that...that. I'm scared."
"Scared?" Kate was majorly confused.
"Of what?"
"Losing you."
"Alex, why are you scared of that? I'd never do that!" And then the guilt and realisation hit Kate. She had already done it. She had left Alex before. Admittedly, they were nowhere near as close or as attached to each other, but Kate had left Alex. God, Kate felt awful. At the time, she felt like it was the right thing, but now, looking back, she only saw the heartache and pain she had caused both of them. But she wouldn't do it again. Not now. Alex needed to know that.
"Alex, I would never do that again. I'm so so sorry that I did, but I know now that that was the worst decision I've ever made. I promise you. I'm here for good."
Alex seemed satisfied with the answer, but Kate could still see the thoughts swirling in the girl's head.
"What else?"
"Well. We've never made us official."
"Well we could now if you want. I never thought we needed it, I just kind of assumed."
"I know. I just want to hear it."
"Alex. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, Kate!"
"Now get back to studying!"
Both girls laughed and Alex engrossed herself in her books once again.

Exams had finished and the sixth form were still on study leave. But there were still a few events before the graduation at the end of term. Alex and Kate had barely seen each other. For Kate, it had been a busy part of term, preparing her students for exams and trying to help out in any way she could, and for Alex, her mind was filled with equations and quotes; she really needed good grades to get into uni.
Prom was on the Friday coming up and of course, Alex being the beauty she was, had attracted many offers for dates, but she had turned them all down. She knew there was only one person she wanted to go to the prom with.
Kate sighed, she was on the rota for supervising the prom. That was all she needed. A Friday night spent wiping up students' vomit and trying to limit the overt signs of affection to an appropriate level, when she could have been sat at home with a bottle of wine. At least Alex would be there. She hoped.
There was a knock on her classroom door, and Kate called for the person to come in.
"Hey," said Alex, walking towards Kate's desk.
"Hi. What's up?"
"I came to ask a favour."
"Oh yeah? What's that?"
"Will you be my date to the prom?"

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