Ch. 5- Never again...

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"I cannot believe you did that!" Kate's voice was loud and screeching, she was seething at Alex, "that was completely innapropriate!" she continued bellowing at her student/lover, but strangely, although Alex was intimidated, she only found scary Kate more sexy.
"I'm sorry."
"I should hope you are! Do you realise how badly you humiliated me?"
"But I won though, didn't I?"
"I said that you wouldn't be able to contain your want for me. And you didn't. So I won."
"GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM! This will never happen again!"
Kate slammed the door in Alex's face. Alex just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry but she had to think things through. She needed to get Kate back, after all the teacher had admitted that she had feelings for her student. So Alex started working on her plan.
Weeks passed and still Kate would barely talk to Alex. In class, Kate never chose to let Alex answer a question, even if she was the only one with her hand up. It was so unfair. All Alex wanted to do was show Kate how she would be good this time if they got together. More subtle. She just needed Kate to actually start speaking to her again. Even when Alex asked for homework help as a ruse, Kate would refuse and recommend a website or another teacher to help. When Alex helped in the younger English class, Kate barely spoke a word to her. It was a long few weeks for Alex.
But what Alex didn't realise was that it seemed just as long a few weeks for Kate. She had to stop her self from looking at Alex during class and purposefully ignored her advances. She knew she couldn't speak to her student again or she would crumble, but she didn't quite know how. On one hand, Alex was gorgeous and turned her on more than anyone she had ever been with, but that also meant that if Alex spoke to her after what had happened at the lunch, Kate would probably just surrender to the girl's every command, not an enticing thought (or was it?). However, the girl had deeply embarrassed her and to be honest, Kate would have been quite happy to hurl something at the girl, which again wouldn't have been good. So she was stuck, in a trance, going through school life and its monotony day after day. Until the day she set the essay.
Kate had set the essay with the condition that the students must come up with titles themselves as long as there was an element of danger. Of course, most students wrote crime stories, but Alex didn't. Kate looked at the pile of essays ready to mark - Alex's was on top and at first glance it only seemed to be a sentence or two, sighing, she began to read.
'Dangerous Love by Alex Wake.
The woman I love is dangerous, very dangerous indeed. At least, she's dangerous to me. Her red lips promise entry to a land I have only visited twice, but I have to say, I would happily travel back there any time she wished. But she doesn't want me. I know she cares, she told me so herself. But I know the only reason she won't take me in her arms is because I'm dangerous too. I'm her dangerous love.'
Kate read it over and over. In her eyes, it was beautiful. She had to let Alex know how amazing she thought her writing was. It was honest, yet capitivating, and perhaps better: she knew every word of it was true. How could he tell this to Alex without leading her on?

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