Ch. 6- In or out?

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Kate drove home and flopped onto her bed, her mind still preoccupied with Alex's amazing words. She knew, as soon as she read the girl's work that she had to be at the very least friends with her. In her heart Kate knew she wanted something more, but in reality, she knew that that would never work out. But how could she get back onto Alex's good side after giving her the cold shoulder for a month?
Suddenly, Kate's phone buzzed, and an idea sprang into her head. She still had Alex's number from when they first met. She knew it was wrong, but she had kept it, just in case. She pulled out her phone, ignoring the text she had just received and carefully typed a message to Alex. Thinking about her tone and word choice (she didn't want Alex to think she was angry or anything), she sent, 'Alex. We should talk. Kate x'. As soon as she sent the text, she regretted it. She just texted a student. A student. It was completely wrong, but somehow, she did relax, it was like having a weight lifted from her mind.
Alex's phone vibrated against her desk and she glanced at the screen. Miss Hughes? Why was she texting Alex? She read the text and replied with a sarcastic, 'Oh you want to talk now do you?' being extra careful to not add a kiss at the end. The bitch needed to know how much her ignoring Alex had upset her.
Kate read the reply and her heart sank. Alex was pissed off. Majorly. She needed to fix this and she didn't feel like they could talk honestly with a screen in the way, so she texted back, 'Let's meet. Green Park, in 10 mins? Please come x'. She hoped she didn't sound too desperate, fixed her appearance and headed out of the door to her car. She arrived at the small park and say on a bench under a streetlight. It was only 6.30, but entering the Winter months, it already dark and chilly outside. Kate really hoped Alex would show. She waited for ten minutes before deciding she would only give Alex another five minutes before she would leave. Kate would have stayed all night, but she had marking and hadn't eaten either. She really had planned this quite badly. Kate began to think that Alex wasn't going to show, when a blonde haired girl walked towards the bench. Alex. She did come. Inwardly, Kate's heart gave a little jump of excitement, as she stood up to greet the girl.
"Alex! I'm so glad you came!"
"Hello, Miss Hughes."
Hearing Alex use her full name hurt her, but in a strange way, the way Alex said it turned her on.
"Call me Kate. Please."
"Ok. Look, what did you want to say, I actually have other things to do you know."
"I get that. I wanted to say sorry."
"Sorry's not really going to cut it Kate."
"I know. I was a bitch. I ignored you. I must have torn you apart and I'm sorry, but I only realised how you felt when I read your essay."
"Did you like it?"
"Yes, it was very beautiful. Anything you write is beautiful."
"Oh shut up," Alex paused, "just tell me where I stand. One minute I'm snogging you in a classroom and making you come at a lunch table and the next you don't speak to me for a month. Just tell me. Are you in, or out?"
Kate had to stop and think. All the girl wanted was a clear cut answer and she couldn't give it to her immediately. She massively wanted to be with Alex, but could they make it through? Granted, nearly half the school year was already through, so it wouldn't be that long to hide their relationship for, but that would also be a long time to have Alex in her class and not publicly be able to touch her. It was a hard choice. If she said 'no', Kate knew there was no way her and Alex could ever be friends. The blonde wanted Kate as her lover, or nothing at all, which Kate admired, at least she knew what she wanted. Unlike Kate.
At last Kate spoke.
"I'm in."

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