Ch. 4- Mental games

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It had been a week since Alex and Kate had kissed in the classroom. After they broke apart, Kate had stormed out, leaving Alex in a confused and frustrated mess. Yet they both turned up to school the next day and went on as if nothing had happened between them. Alex was at it again, staring at Miss Hughes whilst she wrote away on the whiteboard. Her body was delightful, not to mention that butt, the things she would-
"Alex. Pay attention please," Miss Hughes said sternly, but Alex could see a hint of a smirk on her teacher's full and kissable red lips.
"Sorry Miss," she replied, and tore her eyes away from her teacher.
The rest of the lesson was uneventful, but Kate called Alex to stay after class.
"Look. I wanted to talk about last week," Kate began.
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't be sorry. I was actually going to confess something."
Intrigued, Alex replied, "oh yeah?"
"Yep. Alex. I like you. A lot."
She what? Oh wow. This was too much for Alex to take. This was literally all she had been waiting for since they met at the cinema. Kate liked her!
"I like you too Kate. I really do."
"But there's a problem. We can't keep sneaking around pretending that we aren't seeing each other. It nearly killed me when we almost got caught last week. And I'm your teacher."
It was the way she said teacher that made Alex sink inside. Kate had built her hopes up. The thought that they could actually be together. And now, just from that tone of voice, Alex knew Kate's morals came first, not their relationship.
"But what makes that so wrong? We would have been happy if I had gone to a different school! We wouldn't have questioned this at all. We met at a cinema for god's sake! We're just two normal girls!"
Kate hated to hear Alex like this. She could hear the desperation in the other girl's voice and longed to draw her into a hug to soothe her, but knew she couldn't.
"Alex. We can't. Just accept that."
"Can we still be friends at least?" Alex knew she sounded like she was pleading, begging even, but she had got to the stage where she no longer cared. She just needed Kate in her life in some way or another.
"Great!" Alex exclaimed and flung her arms around Kate, holding onto her for maybe slightly too long before letting go.
"Jest to let you know," Alex said over her shoulder to Kate, "I'm going to change your mind. We can be together."
And with that, she left the classroom.
A few days passed, and Alex took every opportunity to subtly flirt with Kate, and she had a feeling it was working. She started catching Kate looking at her during class, and catching her only made her turn away blushing, making Kate seem even more beautiful than she already was. Whilst helping out in one of Miss Hughes' English classes, Alex asked her, "are you going to this lunch thing later?"
There was a lunch for a select group of English students and the teachers with an apparently famous poet (but no one had ever heard of him).
"Yes. Actually I'm the one who got you invited."
"Couldn't bear to be without me, huh?"
"Oh totally. You're the reason I live." Kate replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Glad to hear that. Just so you know I'm really looking forward to lunch now that I know you will be there."
"Can't bear to be without me, huh?" Kate replied, mockingly.
"It's not that. I just can't wait to see you unable to contain your want for me"
"Oh yeah baby, that's right. I cannot contain my want for you," Kate was being sarcastic, but Alex knew there was a more serious undertone to what she was saying.
"See you there, then."
Alex sat down opposite Miss Hughes at the lunch table and the pair made eye contact, knowing full well that they were both trying to anticipate the other's next move. Alex started innocently enough, and did or said nothing out of the ordinary until the conversation around the table was in full flow. She gently kicked off her pumps and slid her bare foot along Kate's bare ankle. At once, Kate jumped and stared threateningly at Alex. However, unperturbed, Alex moved her leg up higher, caressing Kate's shinbone very gently under the table. With that, Kate moved her leg away. After a few minutes, Alex rubbed her foot against Kate's knee, and slightly less surprised this time, Kate did not move away, but instead challenged Alex with a stare. Taking her opportunity, Alex slid her foot underneath the teacher's skirt and lightly ran it backwards and forwards. Kate's eyes bulged as she continued to stare at Alex, while the conversation carried on around them. Kate had let this go too far, but if she pushed Alex away now she would lose the apparent mental battle the two were having as to who could hold out the longest.
Alex moved her foot up higher, now it caressed Kate's upper inner thigh. Alex's touch was so sensual and soft, it sent shivers through Kate's body. Alex edged forward. Her foot got closer and closer to Kate's mound. She could feel the heat on her foot and edged forward. As soon as she made contact with Kate's damp knickers, Kate let out out a short, low moan. As the other teachers turned to see if Kate was ok, Alex pushed her foot harder against Kate and moved it up and down, sending tingles up Kate's core.
"Miss Hughes are you ok?" Alex asked knowingly.
"Yes. Fine. Good. Thanks," she let out in a series of low monosyllabic moans.
"Miss Hughes, you look a bit panicky?" Another teacher said.
"No. All's good. Very good. Thanks."
Then Alex thrusted her foot forwards, and Kate let out an unmistakable moan of pleasure.
"Sorry. This food. Is. Just so. Good. Very very. Good."
The other people around the table just laughed it off, but didn't notice that Kate, after speaking, had shivered through an orgasm at the table. Alex withdrew her wet foot and smirked at Kate. She had won.

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