Ch. 7- Detention

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"Are you serious?" Alex whispered.
"One hundred percent. Let's do this. I've had enough of trying to ignore the feelings I have for you. I want you. End of story," Kate replied.
Suddenly, Alex grasped Kate's head in her hands and drew her in for a passionate kiss. Their tongues fought in a heated battle. Kate wrapped her arms around the younger woman's waist, pulling their bodies closer together. By now, both women were panting, and Alex let out a soft moan as Kate nibbled gently on her lower lip. Kate trailed small kisses down to Alex's jaw and started kissing firmly, knowing there was probably going to be some evidence left tomorrow. Alex let her head fall back and stared at the stars above her. They were so beautiful, just like Kate. Her eyebrows arched as Kate softly nipped her jaw, and almost as a reflex, Alex yelped, "oh, Miss Hughes!". This only turned Kate on more and she grabbed Alex's behind with aggression, so now their mounds were rubbing against each other. She sucked even harder on Alex's neck, now intent on leaving a love bite. This girl was hers, no one else's. Reluctantly though, she pulled away from Alex. She really did have quite a lot of marking to do, and if she didn't stop now, even though they were in a public place, she didn't think she would ever be able to stop.
"I have to go. I'm so sorry."
"No, that's ok. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Sure. Bright and early first period!"
And with that the girls parted and left.
Kate actually found the strength to focus her mind on her marking and got it done reasonably quickly, but shortly after, her mind wandered back over to Alex. She checked her phone, having put it on silent whilst she worked and found a text waiting for her from Alex.
'So, me calling you Miss Hughes turns you on? ;) x'
Kate smirked and replied, 'What makes you think that?x'
Soon, her phone buzzed again, with, 'Oh just the way you virtually started dry humping me and sucking my skin off ;) x'
Once again, Kate smirked. She had fallen for this girl really hard, she just hoped Alex felt the same way. Their conversation continued way into the night until they both fell asleep, contented with their new relationship.
The next day, both girls rushed to school, mainly just so they could see each other again in first period. However, a few minutes before the bell was due to ring, Alex realised she had forgotten her textbook and rushed back to her locker. She had really badly timed it, because, by the time the bell had rung. She was late. She ran to the classroom and was about to switch off her pone to save further embarrassment if it went off in class, when she saw a text from Kate.
'Where are you? I'll have to punish you if you're late ;) x'
Ooh cheeky. Maybe she wasn't so sorry for being late after all. Feeling slightly better, she switched off her phone and pushed open the classroom door.
"Miss Wake. Glad you could join us. You're late," Kate said sternly, but her eyes travelled up and down Alex's body while she spoke. She definitely liked what she saw.
"I'm sorry Miss Hughes," Alex said coolly, knowing how much Kate liked that, "how am I going to be punished?" Alex knew she had made it obvious, but she wanted Kate to know she had received her text. Quickly disguising a grin, Kate said, "detention. Every day after school. Today and the whole of next week. Now take your seat."
Alex had realised straight away what Kate's plan was. Detention meant that they could be alone together, and it was the perfect excuse. No one could argue that Miss Hughes was harsh, because Alex, after reading the text, was a whole ten minutes late into class. Alex was very much looking forward to the end of school.
The day dragged on, but soon the bell for the final lesson rang, and school was out. But not for Alex. She rushed to Kate's room and pushed her way in. She found Kate sat at her desk, looking sexy as ever. Had she unbuttoned more of her blouse than she had undone earlier? Alex could definitely get an excellent view of Kate's cleavage anyway. Not speaking, Kate looked up and beckoned Alex over. Alex sat on Kate's lap, and they began to tenderly kiss, but Kate soon pushed Alex away.
"Lock the door," she said seductively.
Alex ran to lock the door, and found Kate was stood up leaning against her desk. She walked to Kate, and held her waist in her hands, putting her hands under Kate's blouse and feeling the smooth skin of her teacher's hips. They kissed more passionately than the first time, and Alex leaned into Kate, pushing her gently back onto the desk. Kate was now lying over the papers on her desk, and Alex bent over and started kissing Kate's collarbone. As Alex flicked her hair out of her face, she revealed the impressive love bite Kate had left yesterday. Kate smiled proudly, but was soon moaning as Alex started to cup her breasts over her clothes. She kneaded roughly, but expertly, and started to unbutton Kate's blouse with her other hand. Soon Kate's shirt was open and Alex's hand was up, underneath the black lace of Kate's bra. Kate meanwhile was gently pressing Alex's behind. Alex was wearing loose trousers and her hands soon slipped down into the waistband and cupped her knicker covered butt. She could feel that Alex was wearing some sort of lacy garment, and slipped her hands into those, gently, rubbing the soft skin of her lover. Both girls were moaning into each other's mouths and their hips were moving against each other as they sought release.
Breaking into the frenzy, blaring out, came the sound of Kate's phone ringing. The girls, shocked by the sudden interruption, leapt apart, and Kate scrambled to find her phone, but missed the call in the end. Seeing the time on her phone, she said glumly, "detention's over now. Don't forget next week's detentions though!"
"If they're anything like this, then I definitely won't forget them!"
"Have a good weekend, Alex."
"You too, Miss Hughes."

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