Ch. 20- Almost

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Kate rolled off Alex and fell to the floor of the office. She hauled herself up, still shivering slightly with excitement and attempted to straighten her dress out. Her hair was a mess, and she knew it, and there was no way Kate was going to erase that 'just fucked' blush from her cheeks. She was in for it.
Alex meanwhile, was also attempting to make herself look like she hadn't just been having sex during school hours in an actually quite accessible office. When she had first heard the head's voice, she had thought he had already come in to the office, but no, thank god, he was only in the corridor. However, that fleeting moment of panic did give Kate and Alex the split second they needed to disentangle themselves from each other in preparation for his entrance; and they could hear he was heading their way.
Kate turned on a fan that lurked usually unused in the corner: she needed to rim the room from the stench of sex. She could still smell her own arousal for god's sake.
At that moment he walked in. Mr Henry Thomas was a short and stocky man, with a rounded belly and red cheeks, the kind that drank to much red wine and instantly made one think of the words 'pompous git' whenever he walked into the room. As Kate knew full well, Mr Thomas was a big fan of hers, and had made several, and ignored, passes at her. Not only was Kate gay, but even if she was going to stray to the other side, Henry was everything she would not go for. Basically, he was a pig.
"Ah Miss Hughes! Just the girl I was after! Ah, are you ok? Look a bit flustered?"
This intensified Kate's clashes and she tried to keep composure.
"No I'm fine thanks. Just hot," and with that he fanned her face in an attempt to rid the beetroot flush she had on currently.
"I know! You are hot girl! Gosh what I would do with-"
"Henry, there's a student present!"
"Ah. I see. Hello, Alex is it," she nodded in reply, "sorry about that. Just joking. Obviously! Anyway, what are you doing in here?"
"She's helping me. I asked for assistance with a younger class and we were about to start marking their work together."
"Ah. Ok. Well best be off then. I'll see you some other time Kate."
He turned on his heels and left the office. Kate sank back into her seat and sighed heavily. All of a sudden, Alex burst out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. She just couldn't believe how messed up the situation was and she currently had two ways of dealing with it: laugh or cry, and this time she had chosen to laugh.
"What?" Grinned Kate.
"It's just. Just. That. You. Me. Nearly. Caught. By him!" She managed to squeeze out in breaths between laughter. Honestly Kate couldn't help but laugh along too. Alex was right, it was hilarious! They had nearly been caught having sex and then the head had bought that Kate was on some sort of hot flush during the menopause or something. It was too much and the girls were soon rocking with loud laughter in the office.
After almost being caught, the girls headed back to Kate's house at the end of the school day. It was Friday, and so date night, a new proposal since Alex had been out of hospital. Every Friday either Kate or Alex would have to organise a night focused on just them and no one else. Today was the first one and it was Kate's turn.
As Alex got changed in Kate's room, Kate quickly got changed in the bathroom (they didn't want to see other until the night 'officially' began) and started setting up. She called Alex in when the place was ready.
Alex was in awe. The open plan kitchen and dining room was illuminated with white fairy lights dropping down from the ceiling, and candles all over the table. There were no other lights on, just the soft glow emitted from those.
Kate drew Alex into an embrace, not lustful, just loving. They stood there for a while, arms encasing each other, just feeling the beat of the other's heart and enjoying the warmth and company.
"Alex. Right now, I've got almost everything I need."

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