Ch. 21- Dinner

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"Almost? How come?" Asked Alex.
"I have you. And honestly, that's all that matters to me, but I want more. I want to be able to hug you, and not worry if someone walks in. I want to be able to hold your and hand and walk down the street. I want to be able to go on a normal date, not just one in our houses, to an actual restaurant. I want you, and I want everyone to be ok with that. But they never will be."
The two girls hugged tighter, feeling the rise and fall of the other's chest as they breathed. A silence followed, but not an awkward one, a comfortable and thoughtful silence. Soon though, the bell rang, signalling the end of the period.
"I have to go," said Kate, pulling away from her student.
"That's fine. Catch you later?"
"Yeah sure."
"Kate?" Asked Alex after a short pause.
"Come round for dinner. With my parents."
"What?" Kate questioned in shock.
"I mean it. Have dinner with my parents."
"Uh...ok, I guess. See you later then. Say about six?"
"Yeah, see you then," Alex grinned as se turned and walked out of the office.
The day flew by and Alex was soon home, having informed her parents that they had a guest joining them for dinner. Michelle had gotten over the initial shock of her daughter being in love with her teacher. Of course, she still believed it was wrong, but, truth be told, there wasn't a massive age difference between the two girls, and she just loved seeing Alex so happy. Nothing could bring Michelle joy more than seeing happiness splashed all over her daughter's face, and since her and John had accepted their relationship, Michelle had seen nothing but that.
The doorbell rang an Alex smoothed her skirt out for what felt like the hundredth time. She was nervous and excited all in one. She really hoped that her parents could get to see jut how lovely Kate was as a person. She was kind, caring and helpful, and by god was she good in bed, but her parents didn't really need to know that.
"Hey," said Kate as Alex opened the door.
Alex couldn't speak. She literally could not form a coherent sentence when faced with the beauty in front of her. Kate was gorgeous. She was wearing a deep maroon blouse, showing a hint of cleavage, but not enough to satisfy Alex, paired with some smart black trousers that were clinging tightly to her legs, showing them off in the most delectable way possible. Her hair shimmered in the light, and her dark red lipstick screamed for Alex to kiss Kate's lips. She did just that.
Perhaps grabbing her girlfriend a bit too forcefully, Alex latched onto her lips. She tasted like cherries, it must have been the lipstick. Alex's hands ran over Kate's body, but Kate soon pulled away.
"We actually need to eat at some point Al."
"I know what I'd like to eat at some point."
There was a seconds silence then they erupted in laughter and headed inside towards the kitchen.
"Hello Michelle. John."
Kate greeted Alex's parents with light hugs and laid down the wine she had brought for them.
Soon dinner was served and appeared to be a far less awkward affair than any of the participants had imagined it was going to be. Then, Michelle said, "Kate, how did know you wanted to be a teacher?"
"I just knew I wanted to help kids. Help them learn and develop."
"I bet Alex has learned a few things from you," said John, not realising the double entendre he had just uttered. Alex spat out her drink, apologising profusely, whilst Kate held back laughter.
"I'm sure she has," answered Kate.
"How is class for both of you?" Asked Michelle.
"Awkward," answered Alex, having regained composure.
"Really?" Asked Kate.
"Yeah, it's hard for me not to stare at you. Genuinely. I have to physically drag my eyes off of your-"
"I get the point. I didn't realise it was that hard for you to separate out personal and work life."
"Well, it is I guess. I don't see you as Miss Hughes. I see you as Kate. And having to act differently is hard when all I want to do is kiss you."
"I'd never thought of it like that. I mean, sure, I get all turned- I mean I see you and it's hard for me to focus too, but I just get in with it now. I'm more used to it now I suppose."
"I guess."
That ended the conversation and the evening, and Kate left feeling that she had really boosted John and Michelle's opinion of her, which was good if she wanted to become a permanent fixture in Alex's life.

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