Ch. 18- Rules

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"I just want to let you know that I am not overwhelmed with joy at the prospect of my daughter dating someone eight years her senior," Michelle began, "but I think it would be extremely hard not to notice the effect you have had on her life."
"So," continued John, swaying backwards and forwards on the balls of his feet, seemingly nervous, "we have agreed that you two can still see each other."
"But there are rules! Rules, meaning that if you break them, there will be serious consequences."
"Do you understand?"
Alex and Kate, still clutching onto each other's hands, beamed at other. They didn't care about the rules, they would follow them to the very last inch as long as they could be together!
"Thank you Mr and Mrs Wake, I know this must have been a tough decision for you," spoke Kate, gratefully and graciously.
"Please," said John, "John and Michelle. We are no longer strangers. You're part of the family now."
"Unfortunately," spat Michelle. In return, John gave her a scowl, with such venom that Kate actually thought it could cause damage to Michelle's health.
"So, dad," said Alex, trying to ease the newly reformed tension in the small room, "what are the rules?"
"So. We think, for obvious reasons, it's best for you guys to keep your relationship secret," with that, Alex and Kate nodded, "so no rides to school, no obvious glances or touches, generally keep professional in school. Fair enough?"
"Yeah," answered Alex.
"You can meet up when you want, but Alex, your grades come first ok? I'm sure you understand that Kate?"
"Of course! That's totally fair, Alex is a clever girl, and she shouldn't just screw that up because of me."
"Alex, please let us know when you're together. Just in case something happens," Alex went to interrupt, but John continued, "not with Kate, I don't mean it like that, I mean if your car broke down and you had to stay at Kate's for example, we would know why you weren't home."
"Wait. So you're saying I can stay at Kate's house?" inquired Alex, eagerly.
"Well I'm not very-" started Michelle, but John jumped in, seeming to gain confidence.
"Your mother doesn't think it's a good idea. But I pointed out that actually, it's not that bad. I guess you've already, dare I say it, had sex, judging by the way you're all over each other," the pair sheepishly grinned at each other, blushing, "so there's nothing new there. Besides, you can't get pregnant can you?"
Alex and Kate tried to hide how ecstatic they were, because to be honest the rules weren't that bad, they had pretty much been following that routine wen they were together anyway, so it made next to no difference. All that mattered was that yet could be together.
"Anything you have to say girls?"
"No, I think we are just fine, right Kate?"
"Yes. Thank you so much, Mr and Mrs Wake."
"For God's sakes woman. We aren't going to get along if you don't follow the damned instructions!" Michelle's outburst shocked the entire room, including the woman herself.
"I think, what she was trying to say," announced Alex into the ever growing and irrepressible silence, "was that she would like you to call her Michelle."
"Sorry. Ok, noted. Michelle," said Kate, leaving an awkward silence once again hanging in the air.
Later, when the Wakes had gone in search of food, the unlikely couple were left alone in the side room.
"Alex, I never got you a birthday present."
"Don't worry about it."
"No, you're eighteen and you deserve a massive present from your adoring girlfriend."
"Seriously Kate, having you back is enough for me."
"I want to give you a present. Please. Just let me."
"If you insist."
From her worn out handbag, Kate pulled two bracelets.
"I think it's time I returned this."
"You kept it?"
"Yes. Even though in my mind I let you go, I couldn't physically throw away the 'token of our love' so to speak."
"But I chucked it at you!"
"Yes, but even when I knew we were over there was obviously a little bit of hope for the future, otherwise I would have been able to throw these away, instead of keeping them in my bag the whole time."
"You know what, Kate?"
"You're very pulchritudinous to me."
"And you are to me, Al. Anyway, that's not your real present, just something I'm returning. You'll have to wait until you're out of hospital for my real gift to you," Kate winked.
"Intriguing. Please tell me it involves clutching onto sheets and screaming your name so loudly the neighbours will probably complain the next day."
"It might do. You'll have to wait and see."

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