Ch. 12- The bracelet

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The Winter holidays had been a great break for Alex. She had had some much needed rest an recuperation, an she was ready for the next term of school. She also couldn't wait to see Kate again. They had only had just over three weeks apart, but with Alex being abroad they had had very little contact with each other during this time.

Alex had English early on a Monday morning, and she rushed to the classroom. Before entering, she ran her fingers over the bracelet Kate had given her for Christmas, feeling a surge of comfort and love flow through her. She hurried to her seat and saw Kate was sat at the front. Unusually, she didn't make eye contact with Alex, but carried on typing on her computer. Looking at her lover's delicate fingers tapping away, Alex was reminded just how skilful they were at other things too, namely manipulating Alex's body in a way no other had ever done before. Kate made her feel incredible, there was no denying it.

The class sped past, with nothing particularly noteworthy, at least not for the ret of the class that is. For Alex, the hour passed with not a single glance or meaningful look from her lover at the front. Something was most definitely up. Lingering after class, like usual, Alex waited by Kate's desk.

"Alex?" The sultry voice inquired.

"Hey. What's up?"

"What do you mean?" Kate replied, not making eye contact with her student.

"You didn't look at me once today. You're not even looking at me now for God's sake!"

"Alex. I need to... We can't... I'm not sure how to put this."

It was then that Alex realised something that seemed of little interest earlier. Kate wasn't wearing their bracelet.

"Why aren't you wearing your bracelet?"

"What?," Kate stammered unable to find the words for how she was feeling.

"Spit it out Kate!" At this point, Alex was getting irritated with her girlfriend.

"I think you should call me Miss Hughes from now on."


"It will be easier. For both of us."

"I don't understand. What are you saying?"

"Alex. I'm saying that this," she pointed to Alex and back to herself, "me and you, was a bad idea. I never should have let it happen. But it has to end. Now."

"What? Why? I don't understand, Kate!" Alex was fighting back the tears that were steadily escaping from her eyes.

"We have to break up Alex. It's too dangerous. I could lose my job!"

"But I thought I was worth more than your job!"

"It's not just my job Alex, it's my entire life! I could go to jail!"

"Only if you got found out though!"

"But how many times have we been nearly caught, huh? Loads! I've had time to think whilst we've been apart. When I'm with you I can't keep my hands off you and that's what's dangerous. It will only lead to getting found out!"

"But I love you!"

"You can't though. You have to leave now. This is for the best."

"Please!" Alex's tears were flowing rapidly now, she probably looked a wreck but she didn't care, she just wanted the love of her life back.

"Leave now," with that, Kate walked towards Alex and motioned towards the door. In a last ditch attempt, Alex forced her lips onto Kate's, wrapping her arms around the teacher. Kate didn't repond, just stood still instead. After a few seconds she gently pushed her student away.

Alex looked deep into Kate's tearless eyes and turned and stormed out of the classroom.

Kate sank into her teacher's chair and burst into tears. That was the hardest thing she had ever done.

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