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we are led into a room and it is so much worse than we thought...

The green haired boy his hooked up to many tubes and wires. A heart moniter pinched on his finger, an IV in his hand, a ventilator. Inko and Todoroki both tear up.

Inko slowly makes her way to her unconscious son's side and breaks down into delicate sobs. She apologizes for not being enough and for not knowing the signs. Todoroki stares. He cant bring himself to move, so frozen, so scared for his friends life hes stuck to his place on the floor. He can smell the sharp, clean smell of hospital. Its giving him a headache. He slowly lifts his hand to his head and then sits down.

"Im sorry izuku..." Todoroki mutters.


I feel a burning sensation through my whole body. Like my nerves are on  fire that is pain but the fire is being out out just as quickly as it lights. I shift a little, breathing in a sharp breath. I stifle a scream. It hurts. I can feel heat around me, several people surrounding me.


I'm sitting next to mrs. Midoriya, comforting her when I hear Izuku shift and my eyes widen. Doctors come rushing in and push us out of the room. I have no choice but to sit and wait while comforting mrs. Midoriya.

I cant imagine how she must feel....


Doctors rush into izukus room and todorokie and inko wait outside. Izuku is concious quicker than anyone expected, his body fighting to heal without izuku's will. The doctors get him in a different setup, trying to keep him stable, not expecting him to wake up. The Doctors put the boy on new meds to make him tired and loopy, so he doesnt get up and injure himself. He is still in the waiting to get some bones reset and they cant have him moving too much, but the doctors dont wanna put him under again until they have to, knowing it may be a few more hours till a slot opens up.

(This is the reality of hospitals yall.)

Its a good half an hour later before mrs. Midoriya and Todoroki are able to come in. The doctors break a bit of news to them..

"Izuku is most likely suffering from a concussion and due to the heavy meds hes under right now, we arent sure how much he will remember. He isnt in pain currently, but hes awake much quicker than we thought he would be, so please try to be quiet as to not scare him. Its gonna be a bit before we can get him in an empty slot for his bones to get moved back to the right places. Thats all, hes awake and you can see him"

The boy and the mom slowly walk into the room and earn a loopy boys eyes staring at them. The young boys mother starts crying again.

"Moommmmmm why are you saddd?" Izuku asks.

He really doesnt remember too much does he...' Todoroki thinks.

"I'm crying happy tears izuku! Im glad your okay!" Todoroki can tell that she is lying.


I stare at izuku.

He stares back.

He sticks his tongue out and giggles a little bit. I cant help but smile. He gives me a loopy smile back.

AN: just to clear some things up, he will remember everything its just the meds and broken everything doing a number on him. Idk where to put that so just an authors note.

"I want katsudonnn" izuku says sleepily.

A few hours later, after Izuku comes out of his reset sesh.


I watch izuku as he falls in and out of conciousness. And then he wakes up for good. He groans a bit, "everything is foggy." He says. He moves his head to look in our direction and his eyes widen when he sees me. "Todoroki?" He says. "What- what happened... Where am I?" "Your in the hospital..." I say. Mrs. Midoriya left to talk to the bakugo family. His eyes widen, "Todoroki- I-"


I'm waking up. Im all dizzy and I cant see straight. My brain feels all fogged up, and I feel like there is something I should be remembering that I cant. Something that would explain where I am and why. Like its right there, but I cant reach it. I voice my feelings outloud, "everything is foggy." I say. I look over and see my classmate, Todoroki. Hes always been a reliable source so I ask, "Todoroki..? What happened? Where am I?" He looks down, its a familiar feeling, guilt, like I did something wrong. "Your in the hospital...." He says. Suddenly it all rushes back. Inevitable tears start to well up in my eyes, "Todoroki- I-" He looks up at me and catches my eye. I observe him through teary vision, i see a crumpled paper in his hand and remember the notes I wrote. I feel my face flush a deep red and I pull the thin sheet Im covered with over my head. Im suddenly aware of how hot I am. I feel the covers lifted off my head and 2 arms slowly surrounding me. I feel sweaty and uncomfortable. "I- i wasnt supposed to- im sorry!" Im crying.


I pull izuku into a hug, people at the hospital with healing quirks have done a good healing on izuku but his body is still working hard. I heard one of the doctors explaining the quirk to mrs. Midoriya.


"The quirk is called quick heal. Basically it does all the healing at once or over a short period of time, but it takes the same amount of energy and has all the side effects that it would take to heal at a normal rate. Similar to UA's recovery girl's quirk, but with more than just a stamina drain." The doctor said. Mrs. Midoriya nods.

End of flashback

I realize that he most likely has a fever because of this quirk. He starts stuttering out a sentance. I cut him off with.

"I dont like you izuku.... I love you. Please dont leave me..."

And the end for now because im pre occupied with watching haikyu :) not like the end the end just the end of this chapter no worries.

Oh And!!!! Thank you for 30 views its literally doubled almost tripled since last time i checked which is absolutely insane! :D tysm

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