D is for disgusting

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(Sally face anyone 🥺)

Izuku woke up past the end of the school day to Recovery Girl and Kachaan beside him. He groaned and started to sit up, quickly learning that was a bad idea as the pain in his back, though not as bad as before, pleaded him to lay back down and remain motionless. So he did. "What time is it?" He asked. "About 4:30. School got out an hour ago." Kachaan answered. The greenette felt panic flutter to life in his chest, "I gotta get home-" Recovery girl shook her head, putting a hand on his ankle to keep him from getting up. Izuku was just panicking more. "We gotta finish your healing. You fell asleep in the middle of it but it should be okay now." Recovery girl planted a kiss on his forhead. Izuku felt the burn on his back twist and ache a bit, but it felt better afterwards. Izuku got up as Recovery girl gave him instructions and wrapped the scar to make sure that it stayed healed. After that Izuku didnt even say goodbye, he ran right out the door.

Izuku ran out of the office and sprinted through the empty hallway, ignoring Aizawa's yells for him to walk in the halls. He took a sharp turn out the exit, nearly running into a wall. He burst through the school doors, sprinting down the sidewalk, his legs pumping with adrenaline, rushing him towards his neighborhood quickly. He stopped in front of his house, quietly opening his door, searching the house for his mother or father, not finding either.

Nervous, he walked up to his room. He opened his creaky door to find (I am so sorry for this.)  To find his mom cowering in front of his dad on the floor

He yelled impulsively, "MOM"
His father whipped his head around, a hysterical smile on his face. His mom was cowering against his bed, shaking.

His father began to morph into the person he truly was. His skin bubbling and moving to change into the scarred version of himself. All for One.

The great villain grabbed Inko by the shirt and let her dangle. Izuku stared, "LET HER GO!!" A grin slowly formed onto All for One's featureless face, "Give me the power, become my apprentice or she will get hurt." Izuku stared, horrified. "I-"

All for One's smile dropped, impatience clear, though he didnt act on those feelings. "Please don't hurt her. Leave us alone!!" Izuku pleaded.

"Then choose. Join me Izuku, or give me your power." He held out his scarred hand, inko still hopelessly dangling in his grip.

Izuku stared, slowly lifting his hand and putting it in All for One's, "I'll become your apprentice. Just- please dont hurt her." He morphed back into Hisashi Midoriya and dropped Inko, leaving her in the room and dragging Izuku out.


Todoroki had barely seen Izuku all day. In fact, he had been more distant than ever since they had become official. He wasnt sure if it was something he had done wrong or not, so he went to ask Fuyumi about it.

They had been staying with Aizawa and Mic and things had been great.

Todoroki sat down next to Fuyumi on the couch. "I need advice." He said calmly. "Oh yeah? What about."

He sighed, "so my boyfriend and I-"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH" fuyumi yelled.
Shoto looked to her, confused. "YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!??!?!?" Aizawa walked in with Mic, "who has a boyfriend?" Aizawa asked.

Shoto blushed, "I didnt need this to be a huge ordeal." He said frustrated. Aizawa and Mic sat down in the living room, "so whats the tea little listener?" Mic asked. "Izuku has been weird lately.-" Shoto started, "Woah you and Midoriya are dating?" Mic interupted. Aizawa already knew all the tea. He nodded, "yeah. But ever since we made it official hes been acting wierd... And I'm worried about him."

Aizawa nodded, "ive noticed hes been a bit off lately, want me to talk to him about it?" Shoto shook his head, "no. I'm his boyfriend. I can do it myself..." Aizawa nodded, sipping his 6th cup of coffee.


Izuku was dragged out of the room and into the living room. "Last time I checked training you didnt go so well. Maybe now that your in better conditions it'll go better." He said, "try to hit me Izuku." He grinned evilly. Izuku powered up one for all and attacked him full speed, he was gonna try to defeat him. He couldnt become his apprentice.

He was cought though, the speed from the power up quirk being stopped in an instant knocked the wind out of him. "I sense betrayal." All for One dropped the boy. "Where did your burn go?" He asked. Izuku tensed, "Recovery girl healed it." He said quietly. Hisashi pushed Izuku over, "your telling me someone else knows about this?" He said, pure anger bubbling up in his tone. Izuku cowered back, "she just knows about the wound not anyth-"

"THEYRE HEROES YOU DUMBASS" Izuku cringed, "THEYLL FIGURE IT OUT. YOUR LUCKY YOU BARELY GOT INTO THAT SCHOOL YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF SH'T THE ONLY REASON IM KEEPING YOU ENROLLED IS BECAUSE YOU CAN USE THIER OWN SYSTEM AGAINST THEM." Izuku flinched as Hisashi spoke, a few flames escaping his mouth. Hisashi hit Izuku relentlessly, leaving small burns on his arms, then threw him in his room.

He layed there motionless, cursing in his mind. He didnt know how to get out of this. At this rate he would never become a hero. He sniffled, and before he knew it he was crying, curled up in a ball on the floor next to his bed crying. Why was he so weak?

Why couldnt he just save himself and his mother from a stupid stupid villain. He didnt know.

Izuku heard his phone start to buzz in his backpack. He had 4 missed calls from Todoroki and he was calling him again. He wiped his nose, still hiccuping a little and picked up. "H-hey Shoto!!" He sounded like he had been crying.

"Izu-kun? Are you okay? You sound like youve been crying"

Izuku could hear the worry in his voice, despite it being over the phone.

"Oh yeah! I'm f-fine." He hiccuped a bit which didnt help his cause.

"Okay I'm coming over to figure out whats wrong. See you soo-"

"NO!" Izuku nearly yelled, "no. Sorry- I. Uh... We can meet somewhere else. Like at the park.. Or something...."

"Whats wrong? Please tell me..."

"I'm sorry sho I- meet me at the park in like half an hour okay? Under the cherry blossom tree." Izuku wasnt about to tell him but he truly wanted to be hugged and told that everything is okay.


Okay its super late because i was making my brothers bday present but here is your chapter.

Okay goodnight.

Snail update: Robbie and Gary tried apples today. Gary is on the lid and Robbie is taking a nap. Their habitats are nice and damp 👍

D.E.K.U. (Unfortunate izuku x todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now