Base raid part 1

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(A/N im aware this aint close to cannon anymore but its ok. We tried. I haf to change up the intentions of villains and stuff and characters and all the jazz. Anywho enjoy. No one in class 1A is in this base raid)

It was the big day. Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki were on thier way to the villain base to find Izuku with a bunch of pro heroes including Nighteye, All Might, Eraser Head, and many more. It was huge, the police had the area surrounded and they went in to the new base.


Eri hadnt seen Deku in days. She had been locked up and Overhaul had been tearing her apart. She layed in her room, longing for Deku.

(I love the sound my dishwasher makes. OMG IM GONNA MAKE IT MY TOWN TUNE IN ANIMAL CROSSING AHDHAKFW continuing on --)

She layed in bed, longing for the greenette boy, just waiting for the next dose of pain, but suddenly the whole place was shifting and Overhaul was grabbing her. She stayed silent, fear overloading her senses, but putting a mask over her emotions so her captor wouldnt get mad. The whole place was shifting and changing, morphing at one of the villains command.

She heard yelling and spotted a familiar face through a wall. It was the nice hero she had met on the street on the way here. She felt something in her chest, not a heartbeat, but a feeling. A feeling she hadnt felt in a long time.


She wanted him so badly to save her from her this awful life but she didnt know if he really would. What if he just got hurt because of her...


Mirio and a small crew of others went into the base to search for Izuku and the younger girl when suddenly, what was supposed to be the quickest route to them, started changing. The walls were twisting and morphing. His friend, Tamaki, his hero name, Suneater, was cought behind fighting villains. He knew he could do it. Tamaki was so brave, Lemillion had to do it too. He was Lemillion who would save A million. He used his quirk to go through the walls, his hero costume specially made to go with him and not get left behind like ordinary clothes.

As he was running through the walls he spotted the top of a head of long, light lavender hair.  He jumped forward with a rush if energy, trying to get to her and scoop her up to save her. But the wall morphed and the villain with the plague mask pulled her away. He was hot on their trail, he just had to get back. He rushed through walls, he could tell the villain that held her captor was panicked, he was making predictable moves.

Lemillion was going to save a million. And it started with Izuku Midoriya and this girl.

Izuku hadnt eaten in days, he was weak and he was a twig. He had been alone in the dark concrete cell for days. No Eri. No Overhaul. No all for one... His dad. It had been silent. It bothered him. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, all the time. Of course he wasnt completely alone, right? He would be given awful nightmares whenever he fell asleep and he couldnt tell if it was  the NightNapper, or if it was him. He found in hard to sleep by his own will. He didnt want to sleep. He couldnt eat. And he was alone, too scared to call out for help or make an escape in fear of the consquences. He wasnt even sure how much of the power his body could handle anymore.

But today that changed. All for One appeared, and held out his hand. "I see you are not taking well to Kai's way of treating you. Izuku stared at the floor, "no sir." His father laughed, "if you wont give me the power then your going to work for me. They technically cant legally take you away from me. I am your dad, and me and Inko aren't divorced, meaning its perfectly legal to have possession." A malicious grin spread across the villains face. The young boy processed this information, staying silent, not having the gut to voice his denial. The great villain loomed over the small, weak boy, "your gonna need a lot of fixing up." He pulled Izuku up and dragged him to a different portion of whatever smaller base they were in.

"Fight. Try to hit me." He said.

Izuku just stared blankly, fired up one for all and tried to hit the villain, who dodged easily, getting behind him and kicking him over. "WEAK. Your useless. Get it together. Stop being lazy." He yelled at the boy. The boy tried to hit him again, he felt as if any moment he would collapse. He was knocked over again by the villain, barley having the strength to get up. "Worthless. Are you even trying?" Izuku shakily got up, his stomach growling loudly. He raised his fists, going at him again, rebounding off the wall and launching himself at higher speeds towards the villain, who cought him by his shirt and punched him in the stomach, then dropped him. "You are no where near even being worthy of being successor the smallest hero let alone me or All Might!!" He shouted. "Why dont you just give me your power instead Izuku?" The boy was stuck on the floor, clenching his stomach. "Im sorry for not being good enough." He let tears he didnt know he had left slip down his face and heard the great villain mutter a 'weak'

Izuku was so sick of it. He wanted it to end. He was thrown back in his cell and left alone again. All for One no where to be seen.


Mirio reached a room that had transformed into a much bigger room, spikes adorning the floor and walls. Overhaul and Eri where in the middle, overhaul had a gun. 'This'll be a breeze. Activate my quirk, get the kid, hopefully jump out and make a quick escape.' He thought to himself. That was before the spikes started moving, aiming for him. It was no big deal, he could move through them easily.

I rushed towards the girl who had renewed fear in her eyes. The villain with the plague mask kept launching his spikes at me, knowing I would have to get tired eventually and he was right. The second I broke he launched a spike at me, thankfully I was able to reactivate and leap out of the way just in time, rolling and getting back up smoothly (ROLLING THUNDER only the real ones know)  I was sprinting towards the girl when the man pulled out a gun, no big if I had my quirk activated, and even if I didnt, I think I can make it through a gun wound. I was a few yards away, spikes being launched at me. I could see my route of escape clear as day. The ceiling had opened up from the mans quirk and I could get out there. I got Eri and put her on my back, I had to be quick I was vulnerable now. I heard the cocking of a gun and pulled Eri in front of me so she wouldnt get hit, holding her tightly, but comfortably.


He felt a searing pain in his side and breathed in a sharp breath, Overhaul had shot him. Lemillion proceeded on anyways, not as quick as he would have liked. He kept a smile on though, truly happy to save the poor girl. There was a final jump and he could tell he wasnt gonna make it. He internally panicked and took a longer route, hopping on the sides of the spikes. He saw a spike being launched at him and threw Eri up to a pro hero, who safely cought her.

Mirio saw the spike, trying to dodge it and activate his quirk when he realized he couldnt activate it. The spike peirced through his shoulder. He let out a scream. "AGHHHhhh" he breathed in a struggled breath, landing on a shallow etch in the wall. He raised his good hand to his mic, "Im down, 2 severe injuries. Please send someone else out thanks." He said quickly. Overhaul was shouting to Eri, "LOOK YOUR HERO GOT HURT ANF ITS YOUR FAULT." He screamed. This made Mirio infuriated and he yelled back, with all his strength. "THIS IS NOT HER FAULT IT IS YOUR FAULT AND YOURS ONLY. LOOK WHAT YOU DID-" he saw All Might enter the room with Night Eye. They attacked Overhaul. Mirio watched in horror as Nighteye, his teacher, his mentor, his friend, was impaled by a spike. Tears threatened to spill as he shouted, "NO" New adrenaline was pumping through him, any pain he felt before was merely a sting. He lept down, avoiding rapidly moving spikes and jumping off them, retrieving his mentor and carrying him to safety while All Might handled overhaul. He shouted for people to help, getting as far as he could before other heroes took over and medical professionals swarmed his teacher. He spotted a terrified looking Eri surrounded by strangers, I went over to her and hugged her, "your safe now everything is gonna be ok." He said, though he was bloody and quite a gorey site, he was oblivious. Eri felt safe in his arms as she was hugged. Safer than she had felt in a very long time.

To be continued in base raid part 2...


Roses are red
So is blood
Long chapter.
Im tired and brain dead.

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