a slow recovery

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(Edit by me :)

Izuku was sitting in front of All Might and was in the embrace of Todoroki. He shook violently, crying, overwhelmed with emotions. He was updated on Eri's condition after asking if she was okay several times over. Healthcare workers came to get Izuku taken care of, they brought with them a stretcher, a board to get him to the bed in the ambulance, it looked eerily similar to the board he was strapped to when Overhaul hurt him. When he was torn in half.

The association with pure pain and nothing else was enough to make the boy snap.

The second Izuku spotted it, he let out a loud yell, broke free from Todoroki's embrace and started sprinting away. He was quickly cought by pro hero, and his teacher, Eraser Head. He frantically tried to escape, yelling, "NO PLEASE NO DONT HURT ME" The hero just stared at the kid who was struggling to get out of his capture gear, didnt he understand he was safe now? "DONT LET HIM-" The greenettes voice gave out. The underground hero pulled the kid into a hug, "your safe now." Izuku tried to break free, shaking his head as if trying to tell him, "no, I'm not safe. Im not safe" Eri had put up a similar fuss, not wanting to get in the ambulance, she had heald his finger the whole time, but this was something different. What had they put him through?

What All for One had told Izuku rattled him to the bone. There was no way he was safe. He wasnt going to be safe anywhere. He just wanted to see his mom. He wanted everything to be okay again. He wanted it to be before he was sad. Before he was always anxious. Before the villains. Back to the childish dream of wanting to become a hero. When everything was simple. When there werent any worries and everyday was just a day, not a bundle of worries that weighed you down like a bag filled to the brim with bricks. Back to the days when he would think about squirrels running along the powerlines on the way home from elementary school.

But such things were too much to ask, werent they?

Aizawa hugged the kid, he looked more tired than him. Todoroki came over and hugged him, he seemed to calm down a bit. Izuku held onto Todoroki like his life depended on it, then said in the faintest whisper, "dont let him take me." Todoroki hugged him tight, "we wont let you get hurt." He replied, "now you need to go to the hospital. The ambulance is just gonna take you there, I promise it'll be ok." Izuku just nodded, still shaking, "please come with me." He said quietly. Todoroki looked to Aizawa and he shrugged.

Todoroki rode with Midoriya all the way to the hospital. Midoriya got treated for his injuries, including a broken wrist, his face, malnutrition, and moreeeeeree.

The boy had to stay the night at the hospital and had been holding shoto's hand the whole time. He finally got to see his mom.

Inko walked into the hospital room and saw her little boy, rushing over and hugging him, bursting into tears, "baby im so sorry. Im so happy your back and okay and back everything is gonna be fine." Izuku had been very quiet the whole time, just nodding silently. He want to spend another night laying awake, but he was so tired, and the hospital bed was so comfortable compared to the cold concrete floor. He felt himself dozing off and harshly resorted to what he had been resorting to for a while now, he sat up quickly and pinched himself. Like abnormally hard.

Todoroki blinked for a second, before quickly pulling the boys hand away, "dont do that Izuku!" He said, "doesnt that hurt!?" Midoriya nodded, "thats the point." Todoroki looked at him with confusion written on his features, "why did you do that?" He asked quietly. It was no doubt that the half and half boy was staying the night, he was the only one who could really make Izuku calm when he was spiralling out of control. Izuku responded, "to stay awake." Todoroki paused, "you look like you havnt slept in days.. Why not sleep?" He asked. "I havnt. And..." Izuku shivered, blankly staring at the gleamingly white sheets of the hospital bed. "...because I dont want to sleep." He finished after a minute, not revealing anything. Todoroki nodded a little, "your safe now, its okay to sleep-" the greenette interupted him, "Im not safe. I dont sleep. Im not safe." He was still staring blankly into the white void of sheets on his lap. Todoroki hugged the tense boy, "Please sleep.." Izuku layed down with Todoroki, who had softly pulled him down so that his his head of delicate green hair was resting on his arm. He fell asleep pretty quick with Todoroki holding him close.

It was barely 2 hours later before Izuku was engulfed in a nightmare. He was back in the room. Back with overhaul. Back on the table. Trapped. He woke up just as Overhaul was about to rip him apart again. He woke up screaming, sweat dripping down his forehead, breathing heavily and looking around the room. The room was spinning. Todoroki was awake next to him, moving his damp hair out of his eyes, his mother was next to him, rubbing circles on his back, but the boy barely noticed either. He had vivid flashbacks of it all, like it was all happening again.

Izuku grabbed his hair, hyperventilating, shaking his head. Todoroki moved in front of him and sat in a criss cross applesauce. He grabbed Izuku's wrists, taking his hands out of his hair. Then shifted to put both his hands on the boy's tearstained face.

"Izuku look at me." Todoroki said calmly. The green haired boy looked at him, still crying and hiccuping.

"Match my breathing." Todoroki made it so that he was taking big deep breaths, calming. Soon enough a nurse came in to help out, getting the panicked boy a cool rag to put on his forehead and a warmer blanket to cuddle under.

(These are comforting things for meI have like 4 or 5 blankets on my TWIN bed.)

Todoroki held Izuku close, "its ok. You arent gonna go back again." He said.

But midoriya couldnt help but think about how easily All for One could get him back. He couldnt bear to imagine having to live with his father. He thought, what would he do to his mom.

'What would he do to his mom'

Izuku went pale, feeling sick to his stomach. "M-momma" he had new tears running down his face. Todoroki held him close as inko made her way over in the small room.

The two midoriya's joined in a hug as the male begged his mom to stay safe.

Todoroki couldnt help but wonder what he had been through.

If only he knew.


D.E.K.U. (Unfortunate izuku x todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now