U (pt 2 k)

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1k reads I- uh- what? How? Why?

Thank you 😭😭❤

(My art! I redrew someone elses art but I dont know who drew it first though :(

Did yall hear about bakugo's japanese voice actor--?

Comment the anime your currently watching!! Im watching HunterxHunter!!

He pressed a button, speaking into the microphone.

The speakers blasted with Aizawa's serious voice, not his normal tired and irritated one.

"This exercise is paused. Todoroki and Bakugo need to exit and meet me in the principals office immediately.


Todoroki and Bakugo made eye contact, both had thier forms of intense worry on thier face. For bakugo it was just his mask of anger, as always.

Nezu and Aizawa were both there.

"We are here regarding a phone call from Midoriya's home. Tell us everything you know."


Izuku threw inko out the door and slammed it closed.

Inko lay there is pure shock. She knew she had to get help, so she ran.

She ran to Mitsuki. She could drive her to the police station. She knew she could get help.

But could she be quick enough?


Izuku was bloodied and bruised. Beaten to a pulp. Sheer adrenaline the only thing keeping him conscious.

Hisashi was fuming. Relentlessly hurting him, though he knew it was no use. He stopped, having pinned Izuku to the wall. The home was wrecked, it looked like quite the fight had happened there. And so it had.

The villain started to morph and shift. Soon enough he had fully transformed into the well recognizable villain, All for One.

Just as the villain was about to create a portal there was a knock on the door.

The villain froze,



The wall to the room was suddenly burst open.

But All for One was gone.

But a whole ordeal happened before that.....

"Tell us everything you know"

Bakugo's angry demeanor had changed signifigantly, and everyone in the room took notice.


A tear slipped down the angry boy's face.

Aizawa and Todoroki were shocked and Nezu was just there. Vibing as always.

Bakugo started to talk, almost as an explanation for his tears.

"His dad... About a week ago I got a text from him. So I snuck in through his bedroom window, like he told me to. His whole back was burnt to a crisp. It was bloody and it was really bad... So i went back to my house and got bandages. I healed him up and then his dad came back. So i had to leave but I stayed under his window... When I went back in the skin on his back was completely torn open and he was bleeding everywhere..."

Bakugo paused.

"I bandaged him up the best I could and the next day at school I brought him medicine. We met up at lunch to replace the bandages but it was getting infected and only getting worse. He made me swear not to tell anyone. His dad threatened him and im sure his mother was threatened too. He made me and Recovery girl swear not to tell for his safety. I'm sure she was suspicious but she kept quiet.... A bit later Todoroki came to my house- tch. Ill let him explain."

Bakugo finished, staying silent, but Todoroki quickly started.

"Me and Midoriya were hanging out. He seemed off. I didnt know he was being abused at the time but he was crying. He fell asleep so I decided I would be a good boyfriend and take him home-"

"Wait." Bakugo intervened, "so you really are dating?"

Todoroki nodded, a small blush spreading across his cheeks.


"So i decided to take him home as we had met up at the park. When we got there a man I didnt recognize showed up. He claimed to be Izuku's father. By the time I realized my mistake it was too late. I knew his father was All for One but I couldnt just run away with him. So I handed him over and went to bakugo's house. We made a plan but wanted to run it through with Izu first but he- he never came back to school after that....."

The boy trailed off.

"You never thought to tell my any of this?" Aizawa said sternly to which the boys replied, both with thier own version of, "if his dad found out he couldve gotten really hurt!!"

Aizawa just nodded, then Nezu pitched in.

"Ive updated the pro's on the situation! We hope we can bring Midoriya back safely! I'll have things sped up on the dorm system-"

"Dorm system?" The two boys asked in unison.

"Oh yes!" Nezu replied cheerily, "We are having dorms constructed so that we can better protect our students!"

The two boys nodded.


Inko rushed to Mitsuki. Quickly explaining to her through tears. Her best friend seemed to understand and she really didnt need to say much. They drove to the police station and a call got put out to pro's. Soon enough the house was under lockdown and they were on thier way to capturing All for One and rescuing Izuku.


The wall bust down, rubble bouncing off of Izuku's burnt and bruised skin.
He was not anywhere near okay.

All for One left through a portal, but not before whispering haunting words to Izuku.

Izuku fell to the ground, collapsing. Barely concious. He was in terrible condition, finding it hard to breath. Hard to see. Able to hear nothing but his dull heartbeat....

(So its pretty late. This chapter falls about 30 words short but its okay because today has been chaotic. I may start posting shorter chapters during the school week because I cant work on chapters gradually throughout the day like I can on weekends. Also im alive lmao. Storm was short and stormy :)

Today I went to the store!!! I saw more people today than I have in the past month. It was wierddddddd

Goodnight my life is weird.

Gary and robbie got a bigger jar and will be living together soon.

D.E.K.U. (Unfortunate izuku x todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now