villain shenanigans part 2 1/2

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(Y'all guess what! Its storming again.          😍✌ so anyways another short chapter because i danced my literal ASS off and im really tired 😞✌ my legs stopped working! 😚👍 so anyways on with the story 😎👍)

Todoroki clung to the corner as he tried not to breath in the smoke, his vision started to become blurry and his head began to spin.

He felt someone start wrapping something around his face, he looked over and found Momo giving him a gas mask. He gasped for air, still clinging to the wall as he regained a sense of steadiness.

"THEY GOT SHINSO" he yelled as soon as he was well enough to.

Momo was holding Jiro in her arms and gasped, "no! We have to find a pro!"

"That's gonna be hard i cant see a thing." He said, "im not sure, can you make a fan?" Momo nodded, "can you hold her? Be careful, she took a hit to the head." Todoroki nodded, carefully taking his classmate.

Momo created a fan and turned it on, clearing the smoke. Todoroki spotted a villain and practically tossed Jiro back to her as he froze the villain in a wall of ice. He cursed outloud, "WE GOTTA FIND AIZAWA!!" He felt a hand on his shoulder and immediatly went into a roundhouse kick. "JEEZ FUCK OFF HALF AND HALF ITS JUST ME!" Bakugo yelled, taking a hit from the other boy's foot.

The smoke had mostly cleared now.

"Alright, we need to work on checking the rooms and making sure every other visitor at the hotel is safe. More pros should arrive soon, until then our job is to protect everyone we can and save anyone who needs it." Todoroki said calmly, though he was shaking on the inside, " Bakugo, do you know where anyone else is?"

"Shittyhair is working on evacuating the 5th floor." He said, "ill work on the 4th." He said before running off.

"Okay, Momo. Work on the people on this floor, its the biggest floor so ill take the room wing and you take the lobby area." She nodded and ran off after saying, "ill set up a station a bit away."

Todoroki nodded.

A bit later every sign of the villains was gone and the students of 1A and 1B were helping with rescue efforts.

Then it came to the headcount, Todoroki prayed someone had gotten shinso, but allas....

He was gone...


Shinso woke up in a dark room.

He wasnt sure where he was so he started to go over what happened.

He had been in the elevator with Todoroki when the got cought by the villain.

So he was either in Mr. Compress's little marble quirk thing or he was somewhere else...

Where? He had no idea.

Shinso got up, starting to search in the pitch black, when a door creaked open.

"Alright ill make this quick. It would be best not to struggle."

It was the great villain All Might had fought. His eyes widened, "wha- what?"

The villain just smiled as he punched the boy, beginning to take his quirk.

It felt like the life was being sucked out of shinso, and he couldnt stop it.

By the time the villain was done he was left in the dark. No witnesses.

Would he die here alone? Physically he was useless, even with his quirk.

He needed help...

I'm fucking tired freinds 😮👍 good flippin night 😡✌

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