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Deku pulled on a hoodie, covering up the various bruises and burns on his arms and hopped out the window.

It was chillier outside that night than he had pictured. His legs started to ache and he sat down on a bench about 3/4ths into his walk, shaking from the cold, tears dripping down his face. He felt so alone and scared, he didnt know what to do. He was lost. Soon he felt warm arms wrapping around him, he looked up and saw Shoto. Izuku grabbed his sweatshirt sleeves before sobbing into him, letting the familiar uneven temperature of him be comforting. They sat there in a peaceful silence for a while, Izuku crying and Shoto comforting him. "Izuku whats wrong?" He asked, worry parading in his soft voice. Izuku stayed quiet, though his mind was racing with everything that had happened. He couldnt get the image of his mom out of his mind.

Shoto noticed that as Izuku didnt answer his breathing was becoming more uneven and rapid. He felt the small boy begin to shake in his arms.
He tilted his chin up, "Izuku what happened." Thier eyes met, "please tell me. Your safe." Todoroki watched as tears welled up in the shorter boy's dull, green eyes. "I'm not safe..." His voice sounded so small amongst the chaos of the world around them.  Todoroki picked the fragile greenette up, letting Izuku hide his face in his shoulder, and carried them to under the cherry blossom tree that was loosing its flowers. They sat down and Izuku was in Shoto's lap.

"You dont have to tell me if you dont want. I just wanna help you feel okay."

Izuku looked at Todoroki, gleaming with gratefulness. He just nodded and before he knew it tears were streaming down his freckled cheeks. "I love you."

They shared a kiss, Izuku finding comfort in Shoto, he fell asleep. They sat there, Todoroki using his fire to keep them warm. Eventually it got pretty late and Todoroki figured he would be a good boyfriend if he took Midoriya home.

Todoroki carried the sleeping greenette back to his house and knocked on the door. His knocks echoed in the quiet neighborhood, a few seconds later a man Todoroki didn't recognize came to the door, "may I help you?" He said. Something in his voice sounded familiar but he couldnt put his finger on it. For some reason Shoto felt that he should keep Midoriya, it felt wrong handing him in to this man. This was his house right? As far as he knew his boyfriend's dad hadnt been present since he was little. "This is the Midoriya household, correct?" He said after a minute of confusion. The man nodded, "who are you and why do you have my son."

Shoto remembered what Izuku had said during the investigation. All of it flashing through his mind quickly the dawn of realization and panic set in. He kept a calm demeanor though, "Oh, so your Izuku's dad??" He said, confused.

He nodded a little, "Ive been working abroad in america and I came to visit for a while." Shoto nodded a little bit, "and who might you be?" He eyed him a little bit, "Im Izuku's friend..." Izuku was still dead asleep in his arms, it was likely he hadnt slept in days.

"Why do you have him?" He asked. Todoroki replied, "we were hanging out and he fell asleep. He didnt tell you he was leaving?" The man shook his head, "no." Todoroki kept a straight face, putting up a mask of mild confusion, "Oh. That's unlike Izuku. Well... Here you go..." He handed Izuku over. Hisashi put on a small fake smile, "well thank you for bringing him home safe." Him and Todoroki met eyes, the older man's eyes sparkling with a look Todoroki knew all too well from his own father.

He felt panic rise in him signifigantly, unable to keep his eyes from widening as Izuku's father shut and locked the door.

He had to get him out of there. He had to think. Who else could know about this? Bakugo.

He opened his phone and called bakugo, he picked up, "where do you live. I need to talk to you." Bakugo, "why should I tell you half and half." He snapped back. "Its about Midoriya. I need to talk to you." I said seriously. "Three houses to the left of his."

Todoroki sprinted there, knocking on the door where it was opened by Bakugo. Todoroki was basically dragged up the stairs.

"You know?" He asked.

"I think so." Todoroki replied.

"What do you know." Bakugo said.

"Uh- Izuku's dad is All for One and he'-"


"ShhHHh!!!" Todoroki pleaded, "his dad is gonna hurt him!!"

"Yeah no shit!!!" Bakugo responded.

"We have to tell someone!!" Todoroki said, "the pro's'll be able to help. We can tell Aizawa an-"

"he'll get hurt." Bakugo said, this is the most calm the other boy has ever witnessed him, to be frank it was a bit scary. "We cant let his dad find out that we told somebody. We gotta keep him out of there."

Todoroki nodded, looking down, trying to keep tears from forming but failing. Bakugo watched, not knowing how to help. "Dont cry over it." He said after a while, "He's strong."


Hisashi carried his sleeping son inside, dropping him on the floor. This knocked the wind out of Midoriya, causing him to wake up a bit panicked. He started to sit up but received a punch to the face. Izuku looked up, holding his nose, blood dripping down onto his sleeve. Hisashi had a deathly look in his eyes an a maniacal smile. Inko rushed into the room, fully intending to protect her son. She had gotten a good bit of it as well, she had a black eye and several bruises. Hisashi, with the flick of his finger she was sent flying the other way, hitting her head and becoming unconcious. Izuku yelled, "STOP!!" Hisashi lifted him up, "you need to become obedient if you're going to defeat all might" he snickered, burning Izuku's sweatshirt off, it was his favorite All Might hoodie. Izuku tried to kick away but this made Hisashi angry, he burnt Izuku's bear chest. Izuku screamed as he was dropped and the burns blistered and stung, starting to bleed. "Learn to listen and maybe this wouldnt keep happening. You will be evil. And you will defeat All Might." He kicked Izuku, causing him to gasp and cough on blood from his nose.

Izuku squirmed uncomfortably. This time his phone was still in his room and he was exposed in the living room. The pain was unbearable, his back was a less vulnerable area but it felt like every inch of himself was exploding in excruciating pain. He tried to get up, increasing his pain, his head was throbbing and he felt as if he might pass out. His father came, "trying to go somewhere?" Izuku nodded, "room." Hisashi smirked, kicking him in the stomach over the burn, "here I'll help you along."

Izuku yelled, loud. Then he pushed through the pain, adrenaline doing its job. He locked himself in his room and passed out, a puddle of blood starting to pool beneath him.

A faint yell echoed into the quiet room Todoroki and Bakugo were sitting in. Barely noticable, but the two recognized it anywhere. It was Izuku.

They had decided to tell Aizawa and see what the pro's could do. This was out of thier hands, especially if his dad really was All for One.


Sorry bout the angsty chapter 😗✌

Also the pic is my 7 year old brothers bday present.

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