kEePinG uP wiTH tHe tOdoRokI's

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tWaS tHe tHrEe pEopLe iN tHe pOliCe ofFIce aLl tHE cReAtuRes weRe stIrRinG eVEn tHe rAbIeS R at tHat jUsT bIt yOuR aNkLe.

(Dont ask its really late and I'm just typing what comes to mind at this point.)

Dabi, Aizawa, and Todoroki sat at the police station thing. The appearance of his brother fighting so hard despite his circumstances made him feel the need to help. The only reason he became a villain in the first place was because he wanted to get that sweet revenge on his dad, the pro hero, endeavor.

Touya Todoroki was willingly answering questions and Shoto Todoroki was tapping his foot while staring at his lap.

Dabi was telling him everything he overheard before Spinner rushed out to get the pizza.

(Gotta git dat pizza. I know hes like a lizard but he will always be a ninja turtle to me and you cant change my mind.)

"I heard the kid yelling something about how he wasnt his dad or something and then it sounded like he was being choked, I wouldnt be suprised. Boss was coming and he was in there with Kurogiri the kid and Shigaraki-" he was interupted by Aizawa.

"Who's your boss?" He asked. "All for One. He was leading Shigaraki." Dabi answered. Aizawa sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Ok now explain the whole im a villain because of home stuff situation." The poor hero looked like he just wanted to get some sleep, it was about 2 am at this point.

tHeY exPlAiN iT bEcAuSe I'm tOo lAzY tO wRiTe it AgHahH

In the end Aizawa Shoto permission to stay with him and Dabi would be in prison, he was okay with that, he understood that it was what he had to do, he learned his lesson.


Shoto walked into Aizawas apartment and The hero showed him to the guest bedroom and got him a clean pair of clothes. Suddenly a booming voice echoed down the hall, "HON IS THAT YOU"

The neighbors were used to this by now.

"SHUSH UP HIZASHI WE HAVE A GUEST " he yelled back. Todoroki just stared at his teacher with a, 'why the literal heck do you live with him' and Aizawa stared back with a 'im freaking gay deal with it child' look. Todoroki seemed to understand as Present Mic came and wrapped his arms around Aizawa from the behind. "Oh LOOK-" mic started but got interupted by Eraser head, "shHHHhH" Todoroki sat on the bed awkwardly and waited for them to leave after explaining the basic stuff like if you need anything just come bother us we dont mind. Mic said that Eraser wanted to sleep. Todoroki layed down on the bed after they left, feeling alone in the bedroom. He changed and showered and then sleep overtook him, he fell asleep listening to Cavetown. (Because thats my mood rn deal with it )

(Im forcing myself to write this its bad sorry)


That night Todoroki had a weird dream, it was like a lucid dream, he wasnt awake but was aware of what was going on. He felt unusually tense and unlike a lucid dream he wasnt in control, but he still knew he was dreaming. He saw Izuku, he saw a girl with light lavender hair, no older than 6 or 7, he saw a villain with a plague mask, he saw all for one with a sadistic grin on his face. He saw when Shigaraki decayed half of Izuku's face. He saw when Toga stabbed him. Then it stopped and someone showed up in front of him. She had red colored hair and wore a black dress, she had bright magenta eyes and he couldn't look away from them.

Todoroki pov:

In the reflection I saw the dream Izuku told me about. And then I woke up. I ignored the fact that I felt frozen in place and with shaky hands sat myself up in bed, I was dripping in sweat and my throat was dry. I decided this was more than a dream and I needed to tell Aizawa. I remembered the things I saw and felt sick. Sick to my stomach.

Izuku please be ok please

I stood up on wobbly legs and wandered out to find Aizawa. I felt like I was being watched and I couldnt shake the feeling off. I found thier bedroom door and gave it a solid knock, glancing behind my back every few seconds. I knocked a little harder and soon after a lightly irritated/ very tired Aizawa came to the door.

"Mr. Aizawa I had a dream." My voice wavers a bit, "it wasnt normal. It wasnt a normal dream." A tired Hizashi comes up behind Aizawa and I glance behind my back again. The two heroes exchange worried looks.


(Back to normal pov. My brain keeps switching without me noticing. Tired 1am brain)

Todoroki and the two heroes sit at the dining room table, Todoroki has a glass of water and is taking little sips out of it. He started to tell the heroes everything he saw in his dream and all the stuff that happened to Izuku and about the girl and then the Plague mask dude and then the one at the end. And then he told him how he couldnt move but he forced himself to and he felt sick and-

Todoroki paused, remembering all the blood and he felt sick again. He closed his eyes, catching tears.

This had been so hard on the poor kid.


Inko had been staying with the bakugoes lately. She has been very worried but the bakugoes are all helping her and eachother on through this process.

There is a mom update. Yay.

-im done for now cuz I'm BRAIN DEAD LITERALLY OK BYE-

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