Idk how to title

235 17 15

Straight banana.


It was a few days later and Izuku had been recovering well physically. Though not doing well mentally. But Todoroki was there to help him through it. The countless nightmares. The panic attacks. He stuck with him through it all.

There was one particular night, the 2nd night he was home from the hospital shoto decided to go home and get some rest. And Izuku was alone. He had his mother of course but she was exhausted.

He found himself in yet another nightmare. Yet another day back with his dad and back with the villains. It felt so real.

He woke up after what was days and days in his dream, he had tears pouring down his face and he was shaking violently. All that was in his mind were, cut and throw up. He hobbled over to the bathroom, and threw up, tears streaming down his face even harder now. He crouched beside the toilet, dizzy and paranoid. His world was spinning and his throat felt raw from crying so hard. He tugged at his hair, burying his head in his knees, sobbing loudly. There were flashbacks happening before him as he relived it all. He heard screaming and he didnt realize it was from himself until his voice cracked and he looked up, seeing his mom there, trying to help him. She saw her black eye and all the damage. He broke himself over not being able to save her and quickly spiraled back, tugging hard at his hair. He flinched at every move his mom tried to make. He lost any breathing pattern, and was struggling to get enough oxygen in.

It was torture and it felt like he wanted it to end. He just wanted it all to end. It mustve been roughly 2am?

He felt a cool hand on his forhead, forcing him to look up with puffy eyes, he found himself staring into todoroki's. Todoroki looked at him, his eyes soft and caring as Izuku hiccuped, tears still pouring down his face. "Match my breath Izu. Shhh" they both took deep breaths and soon Izuku was in the other boys lap.

Izuku felt safe with him. He finally felt safe again.

-guys something has come up and I really cant keep doing this chapter right now. Im in a daze and im anxious and I cant think enough to finish this chapter right now. Please understand. I hope by tomarow everything will be okay.

Im not gonna share whats happening on here for privacy reasons

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