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"He's my father..."

Midoriya let out a sob, "im sorry, I had no idea! I didnt know-" All Might pulled him into a hug and let Midoriya sob into his shoulder. "Kid.. Does your mom know?" Deku shook his head, "no, I dont think so." Tsukauchi ran out and grabbed Inko, pulling her into the room quickly.

Midoriya just stared at his mom, tears streaming down his face.

Tsukachi: "who is your husband?"

Inko: "Hisashi Midoriya?"

Tsukauchi: "what is your relationship like?"

Inko nervously eyed her son, "I havnt seen him since Izuku was diagnosed quirkless... We lost all contact. But we arent divorced. Of course, he has a quirk now somehow, we are still trying to figure out how."

Tsukauchi nodded, scribbling things down on his notepad.

Midoriya sat there next to his mom, shaking, he was terrified he would be taken away again, that his mother would be tricked by the great villain and his father.

Tsukauchi continued, "What is his profession?"

"He's CEO of a small company that moved to America." She responded.

Tsukauchi: "Mr. Midoriya, are you sure what you said is true and that the villain wasnt just lying to you?"

Izuku nodded, "I-im sure..."

Tsukauchi: "are you aware that your husband could be acting as a villain?"

Inko turned pale, "N-No! He would never do that!" her voice wavered with uncertainty, "Right..?"

Tsukauchi eyed All Might, "are you aware of how your son got a quirk when he was diagnosed quirkless?"

Inko shook her head, "it just appeared one day.."

Tsukauchi looked at All Might and then back to the two people, "This is your son's job and All Mights's to explain. I will wait outside and let you have this conversation." He smiled and left the room, making sure that no one was listening in. 

Izuku stared back down into the Icy white void of sheets, avoiding eye contact and trying not to think about the events that had occurred. "All Might?"

"Its okay my boy, Im here every step of the way." He responded, patting his back.

"o-okay, so..." He took a deep breath, "On the day that Kachaan got attacked by the sludge villain, I got to meet All Might. At first he told me that a quirkless person couldn't be a hero, and I believed him." Izuku didn't want to share too many things from that day, it had been hard on him mentally. He didnt tell them how he was considering taking his "best friends" advice. "as expected I was rather bummed out... that day... and, I guess I subconciously wandered to a new fight scene, I saw the sludge villain attacking Kachaan and I couldn't stand there and do nothing, before I knew it my legs were pumping me at full speed towards the villain, I didn't even think it just happened. I threw my backpack and then All Might showed up. I got scolded by the pro's for such a wreckless move. Later, All Might found me again. He told me that I too could be a hero. and-" Izuku looked to all might, "he started training me so my body could handle his quirk. His quirk is called One for All and it can be passed on. He chose me to be his successor."

Inko stared in awe, "Izuku, thats amazing." She burst into tears, "IM SO PROUD OF YOU IZUKU"

Izuku got hugged tight by his mom, but he was still staring down, "I couldn't escape by myself, I couldnt even save myself. Im not worthy, am I..?" All Might quickly intervened, "you were up against All for One. It's okay, your not at his level. I'm not at his level. Its a good thing you waited for the heroes. It was the smartest decision. The safest decision. " Izuku was engulfed in a hug by All Might. He let Izuku sob into his skinny, deflated frame. He kept apologizing and a feeling of melancholy set in the room. Izuku sat back, "All for One is- my dad..."

Inko looked at him, a bit of shock written on her face, a pinch of horror starting to form on her features, "no.. he's not.." Izuku looked at her, as serious as ever, "YES. He is... He proved it.. He had-" Izuku was struggling to get words out as he fell back into a downward spiral of memories and flashbacks. He remembered (This was not put in the text i just need it to happen but i dont wanna go back and change it) when he had transformed into the father figure he remembered from his earlier childhood. He remembered how he treated him. This hitting, the punching, the kicking, all of it. The verbal abuse. He fell deep into it and neither All Might nor Inko could pull him back out. He sat there, shaking, completely out of it, tears streaming down his lightly freckled cheeks, not hearing his mother or mentor, not seeing anything but what had happened to him in the past. 

Suddenly Izuku was back, he felt a firm grip on his shoulders and heard a familiar voice, "Izuku, calm down. Its gonna be okay." Izuku looked up, a bead of sweat dripping down his tear stained face. He saw Todoroki, Shoto. He was trying he was but his head kept bringing back unwanted memories. Overhaul, Shigaraki, All for One. He was falling back in again. 

Shoto was trying his best to keep Izuku out of his head, he had him, but lost him again. He was starting to freak out a little and did the only thing he knew would pull him out of his panic attack. He pulled him into a kiss.

Izuku felt warm lips against his own and opened his teary eyes. He kissed back, a warm feeling developing in his chest, his heart leaping up to his throat. He kissed back. The two boys pulled apart after a few seconds, staring into eachothers eyes silently.

They shared a close and thankful hug, All Might and Inko helplessly trying to process what just happened, though Todoroki and Izuku were lost in eachothers eyes.


this goes quicker when i do it on my computer :) first chapter on my computer enjoy better grammar.

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