the next part

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Izuku woke up, his senses slowly returning to him.

First it was touch, he was on a hard surface, but not too hard. One of his arms was heavily casted and restrained..

Next was taste. His mouth was dry and sour.

Then smell. The air was crisp and clean.  The scent gave him a bit of a headache.

Then hearing, he heard beeping and the rustle of sheets.

Then sight. He was blinded by bright white as he opened his eyelids. This didnt help his everlasting headache.

His body ached and his head throbbed.

Where was he?

He tried to sit up when he heard...


the voice was familiar but he wasnt sure who it was.

He looked over and saw a familiar purple haired guy. "Shinso-?"

"Hey lay down. Are you okay?" He said.

"Yeah? What happened..." He asked.

Shinso gave s breif explanation as everything rushed back to Izuku.

"Why are you here?" He asked after.

"I lost my quirk"

Izuku gasped, raising his arms to hug shinso but screaming out in pain as he tried to move his arm.

"Oh- your arm- let me call the nurse"
Shinso pressed a button and a nurse came in, doing some things and fiddling with his IV pole.

They got him all settled and Shinso and Him continued to talk for a bit, just carrying on a conversation about the weather and getting to know eachother a bit better.

"I-im so sorry shinso..." Izuku broke after a while.

"For what?" He asked.

"For letting your quirk get stolen!! I shouldve been able to do something." He cried.

"Its okay. I'm upset but its nor your fault." Shinso replied.

"If I just did what he wanted would he leave me alone-? What if I-" Izuku started, immediatly regretting his own sick and dark thoughts.

Shinso looked at him concerned, "well bad things would happen."

Before they both knew it tears were spilling down the greenettes cheeks, "he keeps coming back and ruining things for everyone else! No one is safe unless he gets what he wants!!" He yelled, "its stupid!! Its pointless!! I dont know how to fix it-" he sobbed.

Shinso sat next to him, "just do your best. What you can do has to be enough and if it isnt ask for help I guess."

"I-..." Izuku nodded a bit, wiping his tears with his good hand, "thanks shinso.." He sniffled.

Shinso nodded a bit, "anytime. Your mom should be here soon."

"Mom?" He smiled a little, "yay. Cool."


I'm busy watching anime so come back for a better chapter later

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