scripting ❤ { part 1?} the contract.

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I was trying to sleep at around 6am, when the sun is about to rise, which isn't odd usually, but this time it is since I slept all day yesterday, and I'd usually sleep till 11am, then I suddenly hear rustling Near my window, odd, I don't remember letting any cats in..
I look at my bedroom door, yup, perfectly closed, my door doesn't have a lock, so to help keep it closed so cats won't get in, I usually keep a heavy box there, maybe more if they're REALLY persistent. Eh, its probably nothing, but before I lay my head back down I hear something say
'Hey.' It sounded like it was behind me, since im still waking up, im not really scared, so I look behind me.
And the thing who was behind me was kyubey.

'Holy crud the subliminals work.' I think, Before I can say anything he starts talking:
"Hello Robin, you have been given the opportunity to make a contract with me and become a magical girl! But in exchange for being one, you get something called a soul gem, and you have to fight witches. Do you accept?"

Now fully awake from the shock and a little bit of excitement, I calm myself down a bit, 'this is your chance, don't mess this up' I go and say:
"Alright then, what is the wish that'll make your soul gem shine?"

I think about the wish I wanna make, making sure that it is really what I want, and how to say it properly, (I have trouble forming sentences into words..)
After a couple of seconds, I say my wish:
"I wish that the illness that's causing the pandemic gets a cure."

After a while I feel the middle of my chest feel weird, then I noticed kyubey was taking my soul out of my body. (Think of the scene where sayaka makes her wish,) It feels REALLY weird, and it stings a bit as well, but in a muffled way, hard to explain. Then he brings my soul out, this is where it really hurts, having your soul literally ripped out isn't fun.
After that I started to get weak. Then I see the-well, my soul turn into something tear shaped, after the glowing stops and it settles into my hand, I see its the soul gem that looks exactly like the animes, on the top has a little fire sign, the bottom has a heart, huh, interesting. After a minute or too I figure out how to form it into a ring. The runes spell my name, i knew cause I was somehow able to read the runes instantly when before I had no idea what it meant. The bottom is the red gem, and my nail on my left middle finger shows the sign that was at the top of my soul gem, fire.
I was amazed, I'm finally a magical girl, one of the first! I look at the time, its now 6:15am, I'm gonna have to wait till my dad goes to work before hunting witches, don't want to get caught so fast. Better get used to this before telling anyone.


After waiting 15 minutes, spending that time asking kyubey about the universe, past magical girls, all that stuff, my dad goes to work and my mom goes back to bed. Everyone else is asleep, good.

Time to hunt some witches.

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