wing dream again,

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Had a dream within a dream, it was a wing one instead of a mg one.
I was basically in this purple crystal castle, and I was practicing flying by myself, once again, still a beginner, and could only fly about a foot up for about a couple seconds before I lost balance. Idk what we were doing (there were other mythicals) but we were preparing for some event considering how everyone was doing something, even the younger ones, maybe a party? Idk.
This is where the dream started to get blurry. Later I once again tried to fly but got the same results. Then I woke up, not irl, but in the dream, I still had my wings, but I couldn't fly at all. My wings were a bit smaller than the first dream I had with them. I was also with a group of mythicals when aliens finally visited earth. They were dark gray, almost black skin. And were wearing a robe. We were in front of their spaceship trying to see if they were nice, thankfully, they were.

And that's when I finally woke up, realizing I had no wings :<

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