i know im powerful but damn-

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So I remembered a dream of mine, and in it I noticed how oddly realistic it felt, Its extremely rare but I have a tendency to randomly shift to another universe from time to time, i have actually shifted to another universe before, I could tell that story if you want,

Anyway, back to this one. I realized I was in a dream and was thinking about how to wake up, since I couldn't really control it at all, I had no options, then I had the thought:
What if I try to make the dream break and fall apart?

It was a long shot considering I haven't heard anyone being able to do this, but I tried anyway, and it. worked.

The reality around me started glitching and distorting, i constantly felt like I was experiencing an earthquake due to everything shaking but I didnt care, it was working,
And soon, I shattered it. I either shifted back to my universe and kept dreaming, or I broke the universe/the matrix in order to get back home.

I know I wanted to be a powerful mg and general magic user but goddamn NOT THAT MUCH-

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