witch document of ones ive dreamt/seen.

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As the title says, I'll be explaining all the witches that I've either dreamt about, or saw a little bit of their labyrinth. So far I have 4.

1. The checkered witch.
This witches theme is a mix of checkmates and card tricks themes. Has a mix of cards, elegant stuff that card trick would like, and chess pieces and a large checker board that sits with checkmate. The pallet is black, white, browns,velvet red, and has a bit of chocolate (the food) in it as well, once as a door.

2. The water witch.
This one I have only seen once. The walls are a blue, similar to water, I saw those tall chairs with a long carpet with it, similar to one magia records witch except the carpet was dark blue. I call this one the water witch cause the walls seem like pure water that you can stick your hand in.

3. The royal witch.
This one has royalty written all over it. The overall labyrinth seems like a castle, theory is that its a maze. While I have only seen this a few times, I can tell you that the only colors there are seemingly white and gold, on everything.

4. The garbage witch.
Why I call this one the garbage witch is cause the labyrinth floor is just a compacted ball of stuff, most seem to be pieces from other labyrinths recycled into familiars, And why a ball is cause its basically a planet, the 'Wall' seems to be a dark blue, similar to when the sun is just starting to go down, I dreamt about this one, so the familiars here are strong, one of then was sharp pincers, abd the other was the sandbox witch familiars but with a green and peach color pallate. I actually needed a lot of help to defeat it, so it might've drained the power of all the junk that's there to become stronger.

Now, the last, I know, I only said 4, but its because the one I've been seeing hasn't actually revealed its place yet, only flashes that you'd get on a functioning TV. So, until I know what it is (and that I'll probably fight it), I'll call it the TV witch.

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