more about dream i had

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Its about the dream I had with the adventure with the white haired girl I told you guys about around 2 chapters ago. I remember that when she upgraded my scythe, she gave me a new ability as well, it was a long ranged one that I wanted in my form, but I could only activate once I was powerful enough, its basically chara's fanon ability about making slashes physical that you've probably seen, and that I would hold the scythe similar to how you hold a bazooka, on your shoulder when aiming and possibly kneeling. She told me how to do it, it seemed like the 'villain' was a dummy since they weren't moving at all or doing bad stuff. Here's what she said:

hold the scythe in front of you, aiming the blade away from you, and onto your opponent.
•focus your magic and imagine it slowly transferring to your weapon, do this slowly.
•imagine the blade slowly glowing with your aura, and after that, release that energy making sure its aiming your opponent.

I did that, and of course I failed since I did it too fast, you get more results with patience y'know.
Thats where that part of the dream ended sadly, at least I got info on
How to use that ability :b

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