scripting 💛 p.2 <<Meeting angelica>>

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Its been a week or two since I made the contract and became a magical girl, the day I became one after I defeated 1 or two witches I told my friends on discord, they were extremely happy for me, they asked questions on what its like and advice, and I occasionally keep hope up whenever someone is starting to doubt their subliminal journey. It feels a little weird to be a mentor, especially to people where most of them are older than me..

Back to the present, Right now, I'm going outside to witch hunt again, the news still require us to wear masks just in case the virus isn't completely eradicated, my wish was to cure the virus, so its glad to know it was granted.
While walking I sense a witch nearby, perfect! It took me around 4-5 minutes to find it, but here it is! Near the playground in my neighborhood, before I go in I quickly think at why my neighborhood has so many witches nearby, after having that thought, I go in.

The labyrinth seems snow themed, yet it doesn't feel cold, I transform and deal with the familiars, except, there aren't any at all,
'That's weird..' I think to myself. 'From what kyubey told me I'm the only magical girl in this area.. Did something change?'
I travel further in, still no familiars,
'Could they be near the nest?'

Little while after I get into the nest, its really open and barren, and I see the witch, so, I got to fight it, but before I do, I see a bright yellow orb hit it.
A magical girl IS in here! How interesting.'
When I walk further in I see her appearance,
She has platinum blonde hair that goes a bit lower near her shoulder blades, with dark brown streaks at the front, she's wearing a long white dress  with yellow accents, she's holding a brown staff, and I think her soul gem is on her head and its heart shaped? Shes still a bit far away,
'I better help her' i think.
So I started slashing the witch, the witch seems real strong and before I knew it the witch had slammed her fist into my stomach and launching me at least 10+ ft away, I couldn't tell since I was in too much pain, I think it broke a few of my ribs and left me gasping for air, I was shocked, no witch had ever hurt me this badly before, I need to heal myself quickly before i-

I see the witch launching something large at me, at least 5x my size,
'This is it, this is how I die, young and alone. At least I had magic before I perished.'
I think that to myself before I brace the ball hitting me, but then, nothing happens, I open my eyes to see a transparent yellow shield blocking the
Ball, and I see that same girl healing me, that's when I noticed she has dark brown eyes, and seems worried for me.. I started to speak. (R is me, A is her)

R: "Thank you but I already have the magic to heal myself,"

A: "I'm identifying what injuries you have, something similar to an x-ray but human form. I'm seeing that you broke 3 ribs, and injured the muscles in your back and stomach due to the harsh landing and how far you went due to the blast."

R: "Oh, cool. So can I heal now?"

A: "now that you know what's hurt, go ahead."

I start to heal myself in a hiding space while she fights, I look at the battle while I'm healing.
..I can lie, she looks a little cute fighting, but I won't tell anyone that. Nows the time to think about fighting not about possible gay crushes.

When I'm done healing I grab my scythe and head to fight, but after 5 minutes of helping, the witch has been defeated.
A: so, who should get the grief seed?
R: you should, you did the most out of everything, besides, I already have some stocked up.
A: thanks. oh, what's your name?
R: names Robin, you?
A: Angelica.

After putting our numbers in our phones and basically becoming Teammates, I get home, my mom asks why I've been out so long and I half-lied saying I was with a new friend. She accepts it and I go into my room to rest a bit. I lift up my shirt a bit and see a light yet huge bruise, along with a couple others around my torso and arms. Yep. Time to wear a sweater for the next couple days.

I look at my phone and see I got a text.  Its from Angelica, asking me about life,

I think us as a duo is gonna be fun.

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