💀scripting--making le wish💀

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It was around 4am, once again, another night of no sleep, I really need to fix that soon, I was scrolling through tik tok mindlessly when I realized my phone was on 9%
'Dammit.' i quietly muttered (I don't like to talk loudly) 'better charge this thing.' So i walked over to the box where my chargers were, I'm poor and we can't really afford a TV stand and a coffee table right now, if you were wondering why I was using a box as a stand.
I put my phone on my charger and decided to watch the news since there was nothing else to watch. After a while I decided to go to the bathroom, I got there whenever I want to be in a quiet and peaceful place, since the balcony we have was now locked due to an incident that happened. Since I didn't bring my phone, I got bored quickly, I examined the bathroom and how it looked really clean, because of my mom cleaning it this morning, I then started to think about subliminals, and about a friend of mine who was already a puella magi, and how I wanted to become one,
"Hm, to help me a bit I should ask her about what its like, fighting witches and stuff," I thought that it may be a great idea, when she next gets on of course.

I then though about my wish and sighed, I then said
"I wish there was a way for the cure to be quicker" out of nowhere, I wanted a way for it to come faster, cause of whats going on now with the virus, I bet there won't be one for a long time if I don't butt in..

"I'm guessing you want that wish granted?" A voice beside me then said.
I looked to my left to see kyubey! What good timing as well,
"Yes," I began speaking, "I wish that someone finds a cure to the virus and everyone use's it, even the ones who don't believe in them!" Making sure to include the antivaxxers, cause I want the virus to be completely eradicated, don't even them ruining this.

The ring on my finger then started to change, it became the correct ring size, and the silver came back to it,
And the gem inside shined brighter than ever.

And that was it. I made the wish. Now time to tell my friends about this, after I fight the witch in my house first.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed my script :>

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