Chapter 16 - Sacrifice Again

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“Annyong, Myeong Jo.”

She jumped in place and turned her back. There was a man. His face wasn’t that visible. But he was wearing a hoodie. And it could be understood that he was smirking.

“Who are you?! H-how did you get in here?” she asked.

The man laughed evilly, “So the rumor must be true. The Queen lost her memory.”

Myeong Jo was really confused. Who was he?

He turned on the lights. Then he revealed his face.

Of course, Myeong Jo didn’t know his face. The real wife would've figure it out already.

“So you don't remember me, do you?” he smirked.

She gulped down her throat; shaking her head.

“Lee Joon is my name.” he licked his lips.

His name itself made her completely frozen. This is the Lee Joon? The one who was crazily obsessed with the real wife? The one who once tried to kill her?

She took a step back and her back hit the closed door; she was breathing heavily.

“Oh no no...don't be afraid of me, Myeong Jo-ah. You know I'll never hurt you.” he smirked at her.

He sat on the edge of the bed and took a dagger (knife) out of his pocket which made her eyes widened. He began sharping the dagger.

“So tell me. How've you been? Happy I guess? With your husband?”

Myeong Jo didn’t reply.

“Wanna know how I have been? Horrible. Terribly horrible. Can you imagine a person living so many years under that dark stinky cell?!” his voice almost raised.

She didn’t reply. But her hands were slowly working secretly behind. She waa trying to reach the door lock without his knowledge.

“Spending about 2 years in that same old room, it helped me to figure out to dig a hole under and escape that. Also I took a long time to think how can I get my revenge.” he looked at her.

She gulped down her throat; her heart beating fast, “R-revenge?”

Joon laughed. Evilly. Just how Jimin described him.

“Yah, revenge! I want to take revenge for you to make me suffer like this! I want to hurt you so badly, to completely destroy everything about you so much.........” his voice turned into a psychotic man.

He stood up from the bed.

“J-Joon......please stop. Why don't you accept it? Why can't you move on?! I will never love you no matter what you do so just stop your devilish actions.” she shouted for the first time.

His lips raised into a smirk; chuckling a bit, “Seems like you still got that attitude, darling.”

“However, you know what I planned? I figured out the most crucial thing that would hurt you most unlike any other.”

Myeong Jo's forehead showed rays of confusion.

He walked closer to her and leaned his face towards her. She moved her face to her side. Seeing her action, he again chuckled.

“Instead of hurting you........ I planned to hurt your precious human in the world. The one for whom you would do anything. The one for whom you left me. The one who made you forget about me completely from your mind. The one who's taking my place!” he yelled at her so closely.

Myeong Jo immediately knew who he was talking about. She looked directly at his red eyes that says evil.

“You wouldn’t...........” she whimpered.

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