e p i l o g u e

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e p i l o g u e

"Uncle Uriah that's not how you do it," the small boy mumbles, folding his arms over each other.

His brown hair sat on top of his head in perfect curls, skin rich in melanin and warm to the eyes. His eyes were his mother's, dark in colour, but they held is father's stern and confident expression.

"What the fuck do you mean? I'm following the recipe," Uriah complains, pointing towards the book. Jahari rolls his eyes at his uncle's bad language – if his mother was here, she'd slap Uriah on the back of his head. He ignores it, before shaking his head.

"It doesn't look right," the pup mumbles. At the age of four, Jahari was on top of his game, his mother and father ensuring he was affluent in his abundance of knowledge.

Currently, Uriah was babysitting Jahari. Adah had gone into labour with her second child, about a day ago. Lena and Micajah had stayed with her the entire time, Jayden was continuing with normal pack obligations, and Uriah was responsible for this small pup.

"It'll be fine. Watch when it bakes. It'll turn out lush," Uriah dismisses his concerns, pouring the batter into a cake tray, and putting it into the oven. They had attempted making a cake for Adah, for when Jahari's little sister was born.

Jahari just shakes his head, pulling out his colouring book. Uriah had propped him up on the counter in the kitchen. Now that the cake was in the oven, Uriah could begin the cleaning up process.

"What colour do you want to icing to be little man?" Uriah asks.

"Blue," Jahari responds, Uriah's eyes narrowing at the pup absorbed in colouring.

"It's a girl," he says, confused. Jahari shrugs, not looking back at the male.

"It doesn't matter. Blue isn't only for boys," and Uriah shrugs, murmuring how it was a fair point.

Unfortunately, the colour of the icing didn't matter. Within seven or so minutes in the oven, the cake exploded, much to Uriah's dismay.

"Told you," Jahari mumbles, still colouring as Uriah began to clean up the mess in the oven.

"I don't understand why," Uriah mumbles to himself.

"It's because you used icing sugar, and not normal sugar," Jahari informs him. Uriah groans in exasperation.

"It's a good thing I bought a cake then," a new voice comes into play. Jahari grins at the sight of the gamma male. Jayden looks surprised, eyes widening as he looked at the mess in the kitchen.

"Uncle Jay," Jahari beams, raising his arms to be picked up. Jayden scoops the pup up, placing the cake he bought onto the counter instead.

"When did you do that? I thought you were out with Lyle," Uriah's winks are suggestive. Jayden rolls his eyes.

Jayden had found his mate a while ago, but he was rejected because the male he was paired up with didn't want it to happen. After the rejection, he grew closer with Lyle- who was also rejected many years ago. The two grew much closer, and though it was unexpected, they worked. Lyle was confident, outspoken and flirtatious. Jayden was the opposite. Jayden grew more confident as a result, and Lyle marked him a few days back. They were going strong.

"Don't worry about what I do with Lyle. I suggest you hurry up. Micajah called me, said it was very close now. I'm taking Jahari over there now," Jayden tells him.

"You could help you know," Uriah grumbles, and Jayden simple says that it wasn't his mess.

"Fucker," Uriah murmurs, and Jahari tuts at the word, in a disapproving manner.

Luckily, by the time Uriah had cleaned up, showered and changed, and reached to the hospital in record time, he hadn't missed anything. He waited with Jayden and Jahari in a room outside, where fortunately they couldn't hear anything going on in the other room. Jahari wouldn't be scarred by the sounds of labour pain – Uriah had been there during Jahari's time, when Adah went into labour unexpectedly. It wasn't good. Thankfully, this time was a lot less hectic.

"This kid's really taking her time coming out," Uriah comments, and Jayden rolls his eyes.

"Some slowpoke," Jahari adds, and Uriah throws his head back laughing. Jahari was extremely close with Uriah, other than his parents, but he liked everyone.

"She not done? Jesus," a new voice props in.

Lyle comes in, running a hand through his honey blond curls, a gift basket in one hand, and flowers in the other. He kisses the top of Jayden's head, fist bumping Jahari who was on his lap.

Ten more minutes pass by, and then finally Harden exits, with a few nurses, a smile on his lips.

"Congratulations my prince. You have a sister," ducking down to greet Jahari, who grins.

"Are we good to go in?" Jayden asks, and Harden nods.

Jahari runs in first, carefully jumping up to the bed Adah was on and curiously looking at the baby she had been carrying for the last nine months. The three males come in too. Lena was on the phone, informing Ahmed of his niece's birth.

Micajah sat with Adah, the both of them holding a baby girl in their arms. Adah looked exhausted, hair tied up into a messy bun, the nape of her neck covered in sweat. Her skin was pale and flushed. Micajah's hair was messy, as if he had worriedly run his hands through his. His expression was at ease now, both of them in awe at their girl.

"Dada?" Jahari asks. Micajah looks up at his son, with a grin, beckoning him to come over. He goes over curisouly, Micajah plopping him on his back.

"She's beautiful," Jahari says, echoing the words he had heard his father often say to his mother. Adah laughs, kissing her pup.

"Are you tired mama? You should sleep," Jahari tells his mama with concern. He loved her fiercely, just like his dad. She gives him a weak smile.

"I'll look after her. I promise," Jahari encourages, causing another laugh to fall from her lips.

"It's fine baby. I'm fine," Jahari leans over Micajah a little more, looking at her closely.

"What's her name?" Jayden asks. Micajah takes the small pup from Adah, letting Jahari hold her with him. Adah stares at them both, smile not leaving her face.

"Malia," she tells them.

"Can I hold her now? Please?" Uriah begs, and is awed the moment she comes into his arms. Jahari follows wherever the baby goes.

Adah rests her head on her mate, who kisses her head.

"You did so well my love," he tells her.

"I know," she responds, turning, her eyes feeling drowsy.

"I love you," she tells him, face flushing as he repeats the words.

She falls asleep in the safety of his arms, knowing that her pup would be safe with her brother. 

A/N - completed. 

lmfao i can't believe i deleted the original, but these should be the same with minor differences (i cant remember how i edited the original)

also, i've gotten like fifty pms (no joke) asking about how old i am lmfao. i don't know why everyone is so intrigued by this (like tf), and i answered this elsewhere before. i was seventeen when writing this and still will be for the next few months.

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