f o r t y - f i v e

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f o r t y - f i v e

The next two weeks were strange – that's all Adah can say. It was strange for many reasons.

Finally, the war and the trial was over. It was the end of an era, and Micajah was building a new one. The idea of holding the council under the monarch, and having the King be responsible for them, was an idea that all the kingdom liked, because Micajah truly had risen to the role of a King, and this war only showed he was perfect for it. All wolves had faith and trust in him. Already, many packs had come in with the members that they had voted in. A few days ago, their own pack had a vote, with more than eighty percent of the pack voting for Jayden.

Normality came to Adah much more easier than she thought it would. Micajah was right. There was life after war. It was as normal as it came anyway. Adah still carried out her duties, but she was shielded from a lot of things too. 

Micajah and Lena were in full preparations of the coronation that was due, and Adah wasn't to know a thing. Everyday, new trucks and vans came in with things like decorations and such. Adah had a hunch they were renovating the ball room, but she wasn't allowed into that region at all.

It was quite infuriating, Adah wasn't into surprises, but the whole pack seemed to be heavily involved in it, a brewing excitement taking a hold of the atmosphere. That made her feel good, so she lets it slide.

Adah was currently at the tailor, after having been told by Lena to go get measured out for her dress.

She had been surprised when her fit wasn't as seamless as it had been for her other dresses. Her hips had gone wider, and even though she still went to the gym with Uriah, she had a bit of a stomach. She didn't have much of a bust, but they'd grown somehow, feeling heavier. The measurements had changed. She heads out of the tailors, walking across the gravel path, with Orion trailing behind her. Her head is in deep thinking.

Her hunch had been growing for a while, and she didn't know how she felt about it. It all made sense in her head. She had completely gotten off tea, and her appetite had been up and down, at either spectrum. Sometimes she'd go a day without eating, and other times she'd eat all she could. The nausea and vomiting had occurred a few times, and she'd get frequent temperatures and headaches. And she was so exhausted these days, body riddled with fatigue. It all made sense in her head, and her stomach fluttered at the thought.

"Orion, I'll be going to the pack doctor. I want to see Harden. Is that okay with you?" and the male nods, brows furrowed.

"Is everything alright Adah?" asking, with concern for his Queen. Adah gives him a nod.

"It's just a routinely check-up. I would prefer if you don't come with me, and don't mention it to the King either. He has enough on his plate with this celebration coming up," she tells him, and he gives her a small smile, with a nod, heading out on his way.

"Thank you," she calls after him, pulling her hoodie down, smoothing out her basketball shorts that she stole from Micajah.

She had waited for Harden for about ten or so minutes, whilst he checked the other patients. Harden wasn't always on duty, but he was a lot of the time. Luckily, Adah was directed into a private room, so no one would know of her presence here, and she wouldn't have any concerned pack members coming up to her.

She didn't want to mention anything to Micajah just yet, because she could be entirely delusional and this might just all be in her head too. And deep down, maybe she just wanted to cherish this for her own, just for the tiniest bit of time.

"Adah," the wolf greets, with a warm grin, running a hand through his chestnut hair. Harden was a little older than her, and was an extremely trusted doctor and an advisor of Micajah. Adah had spent a lot of time with Harden during the war, and they had grown to be good friends.

He was wearing his white coat, a stethoscope around his neck, and pens in all of his different pockets.

"Hi Harden. Is it okay if we do a check-up? I know I walked in without an appointment," she trails of, and Harden gets into his work mode.

"That's not an issue. All my patients have gone. Come on, I'll take you to a room," he murmurs, leading her to a small general practice office. She sits on the observation bed, legs swinging.

Harden sits at the desk with his computer, pulling up her records.

"Alright Adah, what seems to be the problem?" asking her, eyes watching carefully, already making observations.

"Everything's just been really weird for a while now," she begins, clasping her hands together.

"I've been really tired for the last month or so now, definitely. I thought earlier it was because of the war, but even in these last two weeks, I've been feeling really fatigued. I've also been having on and off headaches and nausea that alternate too. And my appetite has now formed really weird patterns where I'll eat everything or nothing," she explains. Harden nods.

"Have you been sexually active?" Harden asks, and Adah nods.

"Was it protected?" and Adah nods again.

"Well, protection isn't always effective," he trails off.

"When was your last period?" he asks next, and Adah draws a blank. She never kept a track of her period, and she was kicking herself for it now.

"Not for a while," is all she can say, and Harden nods.

"Okay, well these are sure-fire signs of pregnancy," and Adah nods again, hands becoming clammy. She had a hunch, but it was different when it as being said out loud.

"If it is okay with you, I'd like to check your urine, and if possible have a blood test. We can get the results immediately," Adah nods again. She asks for a bottle of water drinking it so she could later pee on command, as Harden takes her blood, and passing it onto one of the nurses who was on hand. She conducts the urine test too.

"Whilst we wait for those, would you be okay with a internal examination?" and Adah agrees. After examining her, she sorts herself out, watching him throw his gloves away into the disposal.

Adah waits twenty or so minutes, swinging her legs at the edge of the bed, looking at all the posters Harden had in his room.

"Well, it looks like you are pregnant. Your cervix has changed colour, and is soft. The urine test came back as positive, and so does the bloodwork. I presume you are a good few weeks along, but we'll have to do an ultrasound to check how far and then we can work out due dates from there," Harden informs her.

Adah's stomach flutters, a smile coming on her face.

"Congratulations," he mutters softly, with a warm smile.

"Do you think it's early? Because the symptoms were only somewhat recent," Adah mumbles. Harden shrugs.

"Pregnancy symptoms are not the same for each female. Some of them have them incredibly soon, and some of them much later. You could be very newly pregnant, but I think it's farther along. We can have the ultrasound to check," he tells her. 

"Is it okay if we do the ultrasound later? I want Micajah here with me for that," and Harden nods. Adah hops off the bed, thanking him. She tells him she'd call him in advance for it. 

"This wont be mentioned to anyone yet, right?" and Harden promises her, that as a doctor he'd hold her confidentiality and privacy. She thanks him again, heading out.

Her face is warm, and butterflies take a hold of her stomach. She felt like she was on top of the world. She's still in slight disbelief, but she feels so good about it. It was like all her dreams were coming true, and everything was finally setting into place.

She couldn't wait to tell her King.

A/N - hope you liked it. 

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