t h i r t y - o n e

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t h i r t y - o n e

"There we are Luna Adah. All done," one of the pack doctors murmurs. 

His tone is warm, and quiet, tender as most doctors. He calms Adah's wolf down, as the last stitch is sewn through. Thankfully, it's nowhere near as bad as the first time she got the wound. It was a minor thing this time – no need to be put under anesthetics this time either. Thankfully.

"You should be good to go. Don't be too vigorous and just take extra care when doing anything that physically exhausts it," he tells her. Adah nods, face worn and features tired. She sleepily utters a thank you, and the doctor nods respectfully, leaving her.

Uriah had been seen first – he had torn a ligament in his left thigh. Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do about it. He had to rest up, but he was a beta wolf. He'd heal pretty quickly, and the way things were going, he couldn't afford to waste time by resting. He'd been waiting for Adah whilst she got her stitches, and had gone to go get her some tea, and himself some coffee.

He comes back in when the doctor has long left, handing Adah a polystyrene cup filled with it. She thanks him, taking a sip of the hot liquid, almost burning her tongue.

"Is Micajah okay?" her dark eyes look up it, lips curved and brows furrowed in worry. Her wolf is anxious. Uriah sighs.

"Yeah. They've fixed it all up. He just came out, now sleeping it off. He'll be out for a while. Don't be worrying though ma, he good," and Adah nods.

Adah ponders on what to do. Her wolf is in pain, for her mate and her pack. She wanted to be with him, to kiss and cuddle him, and watch over him, even if he was only sleeping. On the other hand, she knew he was safe, warm and was healing. The pack needed one of them too, and she couldn't just let all these things pile up, and then for her mate to have to do them when he woke up and was meant to be peacefully recovering. Her pack needed one of them, and she needed him not to worry. So she'd do those tasks, whilst he was sleeping, and then come back to him.

"I just want to quickly see him. My wolf needs reassurance. Afterwards, we can go talk to the wolves that were imprisoned?" Uriah watches her carefully.

"Yeah you can go see him. I'm planning on getting information out of those wolves," he responds to her. 

There's an attached bathroom, and she decides to quickly take a shower, just as Uriah had done earlier too. After showering, she piles her hair into a bun, and slips into the basketball shorts and hoodie Uriah found as spare clothes in the hospital for her.

She heads out of the hospital room, Uriah directing her to where her mate was.

Her heart clutches, writhing in pain. He was laying in bed, body attached to IV stands that were regulating him. His neck and shoulder were bandaged, some of the white material becoming tainted with blood again. Her eyes well – she didn't like seeing him like this. Not at all.

She pads over quietly to him, leaning over to kiss the top of his forehead, fingers brushing out his hair. His features seem serene, and the colour in his skin seems good. He seemed to be alright and that eases her slightly. With her touch, his eyes flutter open, drowsy with sleep. The silver hues are dazed, and they latch onto her, brimming with emotions that Adah can't decipher. They all overcome him at once.

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