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t e n

He wasn't in bed when she wakes. It was still pretty early but not as early as the time she had woken yesterday, and Adah had a feeling that this routine would be permanent now. She quickly slips into a sports bra and some shorts, before heading out to the indoor gym.

Unfortunately, the indoor gym wasn't empty as it had been yesterday. Her cheeks flush a little pink, feeling a tad self conscious about her attire. She was showing a lot of skin, from her legs to her toned stomach. There were about four other wolves, three males and one female. They look at her for a moment, before realisation dawns on them. They nod in respect before continuing their workout without another glance, easing Adah a little.

"Yo," the greeting causes her to turn, as a sleepy Uriah walks in, his curls tousled and tied into a tiny ponytail, and he wears a white tee and a shirt. She gives him an amused smile in response, before the pair both head to the treadmills.

After a while in the gym, she proceeds to take a shower and slips into some white lounge-wear, before heading down for breakfast. She's alone for a few minutes while the table is being set up, her a chance to mill things over her head for a little while.

"Is everything okay?" her thoughts are disrupted, and her eyes look up to meet with Jayden and Uriah, who was also freshly showered.

Uriah stood there with a lazy grin, and Jayden's warm eyes are concerned. Adah nods, before leaning over to fill her plate with fruit. The two men sit down, also beginning their meal. The King makes no appearance.

Adah keeps to herself, and she plans to keep it that way, but the questions drumming around her head are too great to ignore. She breaks free from her introvert ways, her curiosity too strong.

"Is it okay if I ask a few questions? I need some clarity, and Micajah won't be giving it anytime soon." the last part is faltered. Adah's eyes flicker up, the dark brown hues watching intently. The males look at one another briefly.

"Yeah, of course. Ask away," Uriah says, taking a sip of apple juice, before shoving a bread roll into his mouth.

"He mentioned yesterday that the wolves in the pack hadn't encountered him before he became King. Why?" she asks.

"Micajah before his ruling, was only allowed to roam within palace walls only. It was for his protection – a lot of wolves didn't like the way he was born, and the Queen was afraid that harm would fall upon him. It was also for the sake of the pack – she didn't want tension to rise," Uriah tells her.

Adah feels herself dim – he didn't get to leave the palace? An entire childhood spent behind closed doors because of how he was born?

"What does it even mean though? A male more wolf than man?" Adah asks, her tone quiet as she pierces her fork into a strawberry, bringing it up to her lips. Jayden sighs deeply, trying to find a way to explain it.

"His wolf is a dominant presence within him. Every decision he makes is entwined heavily with his wolf. Normally, your wolf is just a small subconscious. . With him, his wolf is much more present. That's why his eyes are the colour that they are, silver like the moon. It shows the wolf within him is always watching," Jayden utters, voice timid.

"Every encounter I've had with him seems normal. Sure, he's intimidating, but he's the Alpha King, that's expected," Adah mutters lowly.

"You're his mate. His wolf is tamed with your presence, smitten with only you, whether you have realised or not. His wolf chose you the moment he set eyes on you – why do you think he was so civil that evening of the ball? You were was present in the meeting yesterday – why do you think no heads were bitten off during that ordeal, when wolves were openly disrespecting him like that?" Jayden says, voice shy.

The scoff comes out of Adah before she can stop it.

"His wolf is tame when I am there? We barely look at each other, we've barely spoken, we don't touch at all," Adah disbelieves it.

"The bond is there. His mark is on you. What more is needed?" Jayden utters softly.

Adah thinks about it – it holds truth to some extent. She's only ever talked to him, has ever only encountered him, when she's present. She thinks to their meetings – how his eyes were when they looked over her, how tense his form was, how brooding he was. That was tame?

"What is he like when I'm not there?" silence falls over them.

"You'll have to see it in person. It's a lot better than his pubescent years though – those were really ugly. He's mustered a lot of self control over the years," Uriah snickers.

"Why is it so bad? If he is more wolf than man? What does it matter to other wolves, about how his soul isn't right. He hasn't done anything wrong to them," Adah pushes.

"Micajah is a being that hasn't been seen before. He is the unknown. We always fear the unknown. Micajah has great strength because of the way he is. He could easily go on a rampage and kill an entire pack alone. He has brute strength, his very core is guided by primal instincts. That doesn't ease people," Uriah shrugs.

"Also, the prophecy states the Moon Goddess hates him – she didn't give him a mate, what kind of wolf do you have to be, to not deserve a mate? That's enough for people to hate him too," Jayden inputs softly, though Uriah disagrees rolling his eyes.

"He doesn't care about the fact that he is disliked. Trust me, no one hates him more than he hates himself," Uriah says darkly. Adah's heart sinks to her stomach.

"But he hasn't done anything monstrous. He hasn't failed anyone," Adah mumbles, and Uriah shrugs again.

"Yeah but, Micajah's reputation was tainted the moment he was born. It'll be hard to undo it. People will always fear and be wary of him. He knows that," and Adah sighs in frustration.

"Yesterday, at the meeting. You weren't surprised at the fact that people were protesting against him ruling," directing the words to Uriah. He firmly shakes his head.

"We all knew this was coming. No one was happy with his birth, why would they be happy with his ruling? Now that his mother has passed away, these protests will only become louder." Uriah mumbles.

"Do you think it'll expand further? Like, to war?" Adah says softly, and Uriah nods firmly.

"Fuck yeah," he shakes his head.

"Can't the Elder Council diffuse this? Let this situation be maintained before such a thing happens?" Adah questions, and Uriah snorts, shaking his head. The Elder Council was the body the ensured law was followed by all the wolves.

"The Elder Council pushed for Micajah's death immediately after he was born. His mother refused to let that happen. It is unlikely they will do such a thing," Jayden fills her in.

Silence falls over them – the feeling of defeat stenches the air. None of them knew what to do, and how to prevent whatever was coming.

Suddenly, the dining room doors slam open. A male runs in, with only a pair of shorts on, indicating he just shifted. He's breathing hard, skin flushed red.

"What is it?" Uriah asks, standing up. Adah and Jayden stand too, arms folded before them. The male is wheezing, trying to accumulate as much oxygen as he can in his lungs.

"It's the King," the wolf in Adah surges forward.

"What's wrong? Is he hurt?" she demands, eyes darkening. The male shakes his head.

"The wolves who were mobbing against the King yesterday, were sent here by their Alpha to heed their punishment. The King had allocated two guards to go retrieve them in a vehicle from the border," he takes another deep breath.

"The wolves who were mobbing had killed both of the guards along the journey here, because they were apart of the King's pack. King Micajah got wind of this, and had tracked them down," another large inhale.

"He's already killed them, but he just won't stop. He won't stop," it's a plea, and Uriah has already shifted right there and then, making his way.

Adah feels her bones folding, her wolf bounding alongside the beta, Jayden following them behind. 

A/N - i feel like i have overcomplicated all of this, and now it's just really confusing. is everyone confused? let me know, cos i feel like you are.

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