s e v e n t e e n

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s e v e n t e e n

"Alpha Rehan," Adah mutters.

Her eyes narrow to the figure before her sharply, her hands elegantly by her sides. Her eyes are dark and disapproving. The wolf within her wants his throat – this male disgusted her in every sense. He wasn't worthy of Adah.

Hot anger sits in the pit of her stomach. This was the male that was destined to be with her? She didn't believe in the concept of true mates anymore.

The bond that was once meant to be theirs had dissipated, had gone. There was no more of it. Adah felt no connection.

Alpha Rehan can't say a word at the moment. His eyes cling to Adah, not because of the bond – there was no bond- but because of greedy lust of something that could've once been his. He wanted to take the rejection back as soon as he saw Adah, during the first ball at the palace. She looked good enough to eat, as she did now. He didn't realise how much the curve of her lower back would please him.

"You know, I don't think your Luna would appreciate you staring at me like that. I don't find it respectful, at all, to me and to her. Curb the fucking gaze," the words come from her lowly, her jaw stout.

"Don't talk to me like that," Alpha Rehan snarls. Adah just raises a brow, features in disbelief.

"I think you've forgot my title outranks yours now, pup," the last word is authenticated, and taunting. Adah may be a little petty, but the cheap shots felt satisfying.

"Is there a reason you pulled me to the side?" head cocked, watching him with narrowed eyes and pursed lips. Alpha Rehan clears his throat, clearly now threatened by this fierce female.

"I wanted to apologise," Adah waits for him to continue.

"I want to apologise for the fact that I rejected you. I would take it back if I could. I didn't know who you really were. I shouldn't have misjudged you. It was a mistake-" Adah holds a hand up, immediately shutting him off.

Her anger ripples within her.

"Rehan lets clear this up now. Firstly, you are not sorry for rejecting me, you are sorry for now never getting the chance to have me. Those are two different things. Think carefully about each of them," she takes a breath before continuing.

"Secondly, you rejected me based on what other people said. Next time, don't fucking judge someone that you yourself have never met," she rolls her eyes.

"Thirdly, you can't take it back. Ever. You gave your mark to someone else, and I bear the mark of someone else," she sighs again.

"Do you love him?" and she looks at Rehan, lips curled.

"That is none of your fucking business. Are we done here?" the male doesn't respond, and she exhales deeply.

"Good. Now back the fuck out my life. Thank you. Have a good evening," she gives him a wink before leaving to reunite with her King.

As she walks through the corridor to head back into the hall, she physically stumbles into Luna Ella. An apology leaves her lips, before the Luna calls her back.

"I-I just wanted to say sorry," Adah's brow furrow. She'd never understand why people get into serious relationships before finding their mates. It wrecks everything for everyone involved.

"Are you at least happy?" Adah asks. Alpha Rehan was a dick. Luna Ella nods with surety, surprisingly.

"I'm glad you have him then," the tone is dry.

"I just also wanted you to know, that we do support the monarch, regardless of any personal issues. We support the King. Whatever may happen," Luna Ella says. Adah softens slightly.

"Thank you. It means a lot," Luna Ella smiles before heading away.

As she enters the main hall she spots her family gathering together at the side. She wants to get some closure, some clarity from them too.

Her mother and her father bear cold and distant expressions. It halts her from moving towards them. She's suddenly reminded of all the dinners she spent without speaking to them, to the days where no one ever asked her how she was, or if she was okay. To all the days where she was never told that she was loved by them. They were never there for her, not emotionally and never as support. Her brother had always been the pride of the family, as future gamma. She was the one who was the lone wolf, outcasted for her unsocial ways, and shunned when she was rejected. Her brother won't even make eye contact with her.

Whatever had made her stop and consider reaching out to them, has gone. She continues on walking away without a second thought. She never needed them, and now she didn't even want them anymore.

They can stew with the measly gamma position that they all prided on for all she cares. She was the one who was a Queen now.

Deep down, though she plays it off, it still hurts. Her wolf is in pain. Her first heartbreak wasn't Alpha Rehan rejecting her, it was her family rejecting her as an individual in that family.

Micajah spots her coming back, and his arms immediately scoops her close to him, his head dipping low. He senses that she is unhinged, and she sinks into him naturally.

"Everything good my love?" his voice is deep and low.

She doesn't say a word, and neither does Micajah as he pulls her to the centre of the room, surrounded with other dancing couples. 

Micajah is steady as they dance together. She smiles against his form, resting her head on his torso, letting her wolf be happy. His arms wrap tight against her, providing a net of safety. She feels the pool of tension that had accumulated suddenly subside, from coming back to her home pack, to talking with Alpha Rehan, and the whole supressed issue with her family that she did not want to address. He made it better.

"Alpha Rehan isn't the issue. It's your family, right?" his voice is gentle. Adah just clings onto him a little harder.

"You don't have to tell me anything. This is your home pack. I figured they would be here. But I know that they haven't once come near you, and I can see the way they look at you – you share your mother's face, but you are nothing like her. They aren't worthy of you Adah. This pack never was," his tone is soft as they reach her.

"Your wolf never once felt the desire to integrate in this pack. The moment you stepped into my pack, into our pack, that all changed. Maybe it's because of the bond, or maybe it's because your wolf knew her worth was always elsewhere," a kiss to her forehead.

"You think I was fated to be in your pack? Fated to be with you?" Adah's voice is small. Her heart feels heavy all of a sudden, everything finally catching up with her.

"I don't know Adah. All I know is that the fact that I couldn't have a true mate, and you were denied from yours. You fit perfectly with me, you balance me out, even without the bond, and even though we don't know each other too well. You are the perfect Queen. It can't all be fucking coincidence," is all Micajah says, kissing the top of her head.

"I want to go home," it's whispered. She was exhausted from putting on a brave face this evening.

"We will soon my love. You did well tonight," another kiss to her head. Her eyes brim with tears, and she doesn't know why.

Micajah picks her up into his arms, and leaves the hall without another look back.

A/N - sooo, thoughts on adah? when i first started writing this, i wanted it to be more about micajah, but at the moment adah takes the stage. dw micajah will be unravelled sooner or later.

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