t h i r t y - n i n e

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 t h i r t y - n i n e

Bryon refused to hold the rest of the meeting, and Tyler hadn't shown back to the packhouse after a few hours. Lena hadn't been seen either, but neither was Uriah, so it was extremely likely the two were together.

Micajah had made the decision to leave – there was no more purpose staying in this pack if no negotiation was going to happen. If the peace treaty only lasted for the remainder of the rest of this day, and the full day tomorrow, then they weren't going to waste time. They'd spend one day with their pack, all of them together.

They all left in the same car on the five hour journey back, Adah filling in the rest of the males about the conversation she had with Tyler. They were hopeful that perhaps Adah's words would make the male stand up for himself, and evidently lead to backing out of the war, and as Tyler's pack was so influential, many others would follow suit and this war would cease a lot quicker.

But Adah wasn't sure. Tyler had faced a lifetime of abuse, that changed throughout to this very day. It rooted deep, but she hopes she gave his wolf strength enough to overcome that. For himself mainly. Lena hadn't come back with them. Nothing was in set stone, and no agreements or talks had been made. Uriah doesn't seem too unhappy though, and Adah knew he was going to figure something out.

They reached their homelands a little before dinner. Their pack members were glad to have them back, and the rest of the night was spent in the packhouse, eating together, laughing together, loving each other. The night ended beautifully, and everyone forgot about the horrible circumstances, just cherishing the moments they shared. Night fell over pretty quickly, and before they knew it sleep took over.

Adah's woken up by a figure tackling her form whilst she was sleeping. The figure's form hit hers, and her sleep breaks with annoyance, a groan coming from her lips. She sits up, hair tumbling down from its messy bun, and she rubs her eyes awake. It was a little after dawn, and there was no Micajah with her.

Uriah had pummelled into her, his entire form pulsing with glee and happiness. He had just woken up too, wearing his sleeping boxers. He hugs Adah tightly, kissing her all over her face. The wolf is full of excitement and laughter, and Adah wakes up really quickly, the drowsiness leaving almost immediately.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," he chants, pulling her in for another tight hug. Adah is confused, but hugs him back, a yawn breaking her lips.

Uriah bounds off of the bed, leaving the room with a joyous whoop. Adah is still heavily confused, and in her sleepwear follows him, back to Micajah's office. Micajah and Jayden are already there, chattering to each other with hopeful words.

Micajah's eyes latch onto his saviour, a grin breaking his features. He scoops her up in his arms, and gives her a thankful kiss.

"You're amazing," the words are low, and velvet to her ears. She yawns again, wrapping her arms around the nape of his neck.

"I know," mumbling the words, voice heavy with just having been woken up. She pauses for a moment.

"Why am I amazing?" the words registering, as she sets herself down from Micajah, brows furrowed in questioning.

"Tyler called ten minutes ago," Jayden begins with a timid smile. Adah stands, listening as Micajah stands behind her, snaking his arm around her waist, and kissing the back of her neck repeatedly.

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