f o u r t e e n

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f o u r t e e n 

After the big pack meeting, it was informed that thirty-seven wolves had taken their leave from the pack permanently. 

It was a much lower number than expected, as the pack had always been somewhat evenly divided with the birth of Micajah – as like the rest of the wolves across the country. It was hard nonetheless. No Alpha ever would want something like this, for their wolves to be so distrusting of their ruler, for them to leave. But Micajah felt like he owed it to them, and he truly cared about this wolves enough to let them to be happier elsewhere.

A few days pass by, and the pack overcomes the difficulty of the wolves that had left, and the death of Adam and Carter. A tribute was held, with the according funeral rites. They were given a proper send away, and both Adah and Micajah had visited the families afterwards, to express their grievance.

The pack almost settles now peacefully. Before, when Micajah initially overtook his place as Alpha, they were still mourning for the prior Queen's death, and tensions were high within the pack due to different views anyway. Now those wolves who strongly disagreed had left, and the wolves that were unsure had chosen to remain faithful to Micajah, because of Adah. 

Her words strummed a sense of unification, and a sense of stability and safety. That was something that Micajah didn't give them at all during his short rule. He gave protection and leadership, but it wasn't enough. Adah balanced him out – there was belief she truly could change him.

For the moment, the rest of the country was alright too. No other protest groups had formed, and no word had reached out about what Micajah did to the wolves who had protested. The pack where those wolves came from, for the time being, were keeping quiet. Micajah knew it was because the Alpha held an allegiance, a form a loyalty towards the monarch and tradition.

It wouldn't be kept quiet for long though.

It was currently mid-afternoon, a little after lunch. Adah was attending a meeting with some of the females in the pack, without Micajah or the other two males she had befriended closely. She had gotten to know Jayden and Uriah much better over the course of the last few days. Micajah not so much – her mate was a very busy male, but the two were on good terms, and she understood why.

She was very glad to be spending some time with females – the last few days were only with the three males she knew, and the testosterone was getting a bit much. It also meant she was able to integrate into the pack a little better.

The pack was very welcoming – they had missed their last Queen, and Adah was considered the perfect substitute to many. Especially as the King had calmed down a lot over the last few days, just with her presence alone, and after the incident with Adah getting hurt, his wolf was being extra careful.

Adah found it a little terrifying how she suddenly leapt into her role as Luna and as Queen so quickly. Jayden had said it was partly because of the bond, and the fact that her wolf knew what she was. The other part was just down to who Adah was as a person.

Adah's introvert ways over the last few days splintered. As she was such a prominent figure in the monarch and in her pack, it physically couldn't exist. Though, it didn't mean at moments she faltered, because there were some moments where she desperately wanted to climb into a hole and stay there. It also didn't mean she didn't observe with her eyes.

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