t w e n t y - n i n e

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t w e n t y - n i n e

They walk up to the western woods, across the gravel path. The air was a little less cold today, and the sun was up high, past the peak and having begun to dip back down ever so slightly. It gave a ray of white light, tinted with yellow. It had no warmth for the world today.

Pack members went about their daily lives, many who Adah recognised from meetings she had with them, or from when her and Micajah used to have dinner at the pack house. She gave lots of hugs to the women, and a lot of kisses to the small pups who scrambled at her legs.

They were a little shy of Micajah though, which upset him because he didn't want to be intimidating to the little ones. Adah didn't blame them. Micajah was tall and broad. He was like a god to them. However, one pup gives him a hug, and it lights his entire face up. Adah laughs, face flushing with warmth, the tiniest thought in her head venturing much further into the future. Past this war. Past her coronation of becoming a queen. A time when she would bear his pup. She can tell he thinks about it too, the wolf within him antsy, his dark eyes allured in dreams and hopes.

Adah smiles to herself. One day.

They embark onto the western borders shortly, walking and basking in the nature the goddess built for them. Adah couldn't understand how some ruined what was given. Nature was a blessing, that had to be taken care off.

Micajah shifts first. His transition from man to fur is smooth, and clean, with no bones cracking in the process. Adah falters for a moment, eyes looking at the majestic animal before her. She had only seen Micajah's wolf once, and those weren't in pleasant circumstances. 

He was big – bigger than any Alpha she had seen, bigger than Elias and Lyle. His fur was glossy, and sleek, just like the nature of his human hair. It was dark, black and nothing else. His silver eyes are on her, the wolf getting impatient. His nose nudges her abdomen, with a short bark, waiting.

She laughs, the wolf in her clambering through her thoughts, yelling to be let out and to have some time with her male. She complies.

Her wolf and Micajah's wolf had instantly bonded from the moment he had marked her. The human sides always tends to be a little more difficult with accepting each other, but Adah and Micajah had fully let that happen. Their wolves were free, and the bond was harmonious between them.

Adah's wolf scrambles on top of him immediately. If he chose, the male wolf could've easily pushed her away with one move, but he lays still, up on his belly for his female. She licks his face as much as possible. A blow of hot air comes from his nostrils, he's getting tired of the affection now. He just wanted to run. He eases her away gently and nudges her from behind, prompting her. He was eager to show her the land he owned, eager to show off how big and strong he was.

She runs first, and he follows. The King was always behind her. He liked it like that. He would always worship the ground she walked on.

Adah's wolf – much like the inner nature of herself- was extremely curious. Many times she'd halt to sniff at something, or to paw at something. The King didn't mind, being patient with this wolf, licking behind her ears and down the scruff of her neck. When he nibbles, she snaps away at him, her curiosity stealing her attention. He huffs, nudging her with his nose again, telling her it's time to move on, urging her into a run.

King Micajah Where stories live. Discover now