f o r t y - t w o

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f o r t y - t w o

It had been a few days since war had been over, almost coming up to over a week now. The week had been extremely busy.

Uriah and Micajah had toured around the country, visiting five packs a day to see their conditions, and how they stood. There was no grudge, no conflict and no ill intentions. Micajah won the war, and that's what happens afterwards. You move on, because war isn't forever. They made lists of what each pack needs, and how they could help.

Jayden had been busy with collecting evidence for the trial of the Elder Council, digging up all sorts of information. He had been working on the case himself and had been pulling witnesses, such as Lyle, Elias and Tyler, and many other unknown members. Rumours of the trials had spread, and more and more wolves were coming out with stories of the Elder Council, the list of crimes they've committed growing more and more. He had his hands full. Micajah was also working on him behind the scenes, in how exactly they were going to establish and execute creating a new council under the monarch.

Lena had been working on something else, under the orders of Micajah, and though they tried to be as secretive as possible, Adah knew it was about the coronation. Lena was all too overexcited and enthusiastic about it, matching Micajah's energy for it perfectly. Adah wasn't really a fan, but she knew it was making them happy, and would make everyone in the Kingdom a lot happier.

Holding a celebration after a dire time, as one country, would do everyone so much good. So, she holds her tongue, strays away from it as much as possible, and pretends not to know what's going on. She knew that all the trials and such would be conducted before the coronation, and that was about all she knew.

Alongside that, Lena also worked with Adah, learning from and with her, regarding pack issues. Adah held all of their wolves together, whilst the King held the rest of the country together. She had dealt with a war tribute to all those in her pack that had fallen, creating a lasting memorial in the heart of the pack. A reminder of the battle that was won by the wolves coming together, a reminder of how their Alpha was faithful towards them, a reminder to be loyal and a reminder of those that had given their lives up.

Currently, Adah and Lena were in Adah's office, both discussing maters with mate searches and how that was going proceed. The door opens, and Uriah walks in, kissing Lena, and smacking the back of Adah's head. She scowls, giving him the finger, watching him laugh as he plops onto the couch.

Adah sighs, rolling her eyes, going back to reading the list of the unmated females. She had a horrible headache, that just hadn't been surpassing for the last few hours. Her fingers had been massaging her temple for the last half hour. It was getting really bad, even after a few painkillers. She feels sick from looking at all the words on her paper, and just abandons the task, joining Lena and Uriah.

"Where's Micajah?" Adah asks.

"Right here my love," his voice comes from above her. She looks up, eyes warm giving him a small smile. He comes to the front of the couch, easing her up and placing her on his lap. She curls into him, her headache still throbbing, and she rests her head on his shoulder.

He instantly knows something isn't right, the wolf picking it up immediately. His fingers stroke her back, eyes worried.

"Are you okay?" words for her ears only, low and drowsed with concern. Adah shrugs.

"My head hurts," she mumbles, feeling his cool fingers touch her forehead, before the skin of her chest, and then her bare back.

"You feel a little warm. I'll take you up to our room. You can nap. You've been doing amazing around here, don't fuss. I've got it now," words sweet and tender.

Adah doesn't argue, burrowing into him further. She can hear Uriah asking about her, and some response from Micajah, but she can't focus, the throb in her head taking her attention.

It turns out she just needed a nap. After having woken up, the headache in her head has ceased and she feels a lot better. She heads out of the bed, stealing one of Micajah's hoodies and putting it on, letting the material drop to her mid-thigh. She heads down to the dining room, the smell of food lingering in the air. Everyone else is there, the food already having been set out, already tucking in. Adah yawns as she makes her way to her spot, pulling her curls up into a high ponytail.

"You okay?" his words are soft, brows narrowed, the silver hues light. She gives him a small smile, a little drowsy from her sleep, still feeling really tired. She kisses the top of his head, before sitting down.

"Yeah. Just tired," another yawn comes from her mouth, proving her point. Micajah holds her hand resting on the table, thumb caressing the back of it. He still seemed a little unsure, but another warm smile from her eases him slightly. 

"Are you not going to eat?" Jayden asks after a few minutes, when Adah still hadn't made a move to put food in her plate. She shakes her head.

"I've lost my appetite," curling into her seat, her hand resting on a curled hand, eyes watching the table.

"Is the world ending? Since when does Adah not eat? She loves food more than she loves Micajah," Uriah mutters under his breath. Micajah gives him a small growl, stating that was certainly not the case. Adah just smiles, eyes trying not to lull back to sleep.

"It's probably because she just woke up. I can't stand to eat when I've just woken up. It's why I don't do breakfast," Lena murmurs, swirling pasta onto her fork.

"You eat this dick though," and she smacks Uriah hard, her eyes stern. Uriah rubs his shoulder, giving her a fake wounded look. Jayden ends up spluttering on his glass of water, and Micajah doesn't really care for the conversation, eyes watching Adah.

"Should we go to the pack doctor? You could have a fever," tilting his head. She shakes her head.

"I'm perfectly fine Micajah. It's just been a long week. I'm okay," caressing his cheek, and he nods, eyes still not convinced fully.

"Alright, I was waiting for Adah to get here before having this conversation," Jayden begins, causing all the wolves to look at him.

"I've gathered all the evidence I need to trial against each member of the Elder Council," Jayden murmurs.

"We'll do it tomorrow then. Get it out of the way. The quicker it's done, the sooner we can live our lives happily," it's Adah who says this, trying to ignore the headache forming again.

"I'll have letters of invitations sent out to all the packs of those wolves who wish to attend. I'll also make arrangements for the trial to happen in the ballroom – its large enough to accommodate everything. I assume Jayden will be standing in place of prosecution, and we can let the members know if they want someone to stand in for them. I'll call one of the judges, and we can get a jury set up," Micajah says.

"You can get that done by tomorrow?" Lena asks, slightly in awe. Micajah just smirks.

"I'm a King. I can get anything done," and Adah just rolls her eyes, her lips curving to prevent a grin.

"What time?" Jayden asks.

"Noon would be good," Micajah responds, and they nod.

Eventually, the night comes to and end, the conversation causal and nice. Adah had dozed of in her chair long ago, and only stirred when Micajah picked her gently, as if she was a piece of the most expensive china, and carried her back to their room. 

A/N - a fillerish chapter. im kinda at a loss of where to go atm. like ik what key events will happen, but not really how to thread them together yet. eh, it'll work out fine. 

i'm kind of excited. it's been a long time since i've actually finished a book. i feel good about this.

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